Libwaveform attempts to provide versatile easy-to-use interactive display of audio waveforms for Gtk+-2 and X11 applications. Suitable for anything from simple display, up to a full digital audio workstation.
- audio and peak data is handled in blocks to get reasonable performance with large files.
- opengl hardware features are used where available.
- multi-level caching.
- the view can be changed (size, position, magnification) at little cost.
- in many cases drawing can be done repeatedly with virtually no cpu load.
Multi-level caching is provided:
- peak files are saved to disk roughly following standards. (Ardour session peak files are also supported.)
- peak files are cached in ram at multiple resolutions.
- audio is cached in ram for use at high resolutions.
- peak data is stored as OpenGL textures for use with shader programs.
- rendered and filtered images are stored as OpenGL FBO's.
Magnification and translation transitions are animated.
There are 4 main ways of using libwaveform:
- the WaveformView Gtk widget
- with OpenGL using the WaveformActor interface
- rendering to a GdkPixbuf
- rendering to an Alphabuf
- Libsndfile and/or FFmpeg (Libsndfile is recommended if you are using wav or flac files)
- Gtk2/SDL (optional)
Main functionality is in place and well tested, but some areas are subject to improvement. There are no known serious bugs so please report any you find. Feedback is wanted on API, documentation, and visuals.
An API review needs to be undertaken before a release is made.
Adding support for other platfroms is relatively easy to do but there is currently no demand. Gtk-4 support is the next objective, followed by Wayland. Sadly, it will be necessary to drop support for systems that dont support OpenGL 3 in the near future.
GPU Testing: The GPU requirements are not heavy, and no issues have been reported. Most development is done on Intel HD graphics.
If you are able to help testing, please start with running test/view_plus_test. To compile the test programs you need to run configure with '--enable-test'.
The easiest way to use libwaveform is via the WaveformView Gtk widget.
The widget will show the complete audio file and can be panned and zoomed down to sample level.
To use the widget:
WaveformView* waveform = waveform_view_new(NULL);
waveform_view_load_file(waveform, "myfile.wav");
(then pack and show the widget as normal)
For a demonstration of usage, see: view_test.c
The WaveformActor interface can be used to show a waveform on an existing OpenGL context. It is designed for use in editors and audio production tools.
WaveformActor's share a common WfContext object to allow multiple waveforms to be positioned and scaled togeter. The context has the following directly settable properties:
uint32_t sample_rate
float bpm
float samples_per_pixel
int64_t start_time
float v_gain
For a demonstration of usage, see: test/actor.c
Support for different peak formats is provided by 'loaders'. As well as the default peak file loader, an Ardour session loader is provided:
or you can specify your own loader.
Libwaveform provides the functions waveform_peak_to_pixbuf() and waveform_peak_to_pixbuf_async().
GdkPixbuf is useful as an intermediate step to producing PNG output.
See test/pixbuf.c
Alphabufs are useful in low level OpenGl applications. They do not use much texture memory but are not as efficient as using shaders.
eg to create a texture for use with Clutter:
Waveform* waveform = waveform_load_new("myfile.wav");
AlphaBuf* a = waveform_alphabuf_new(waveform, -1, FALSE);
texture = cogl_texture_new_from_data(a->width, a->height, COGL_TEXTURE_NONE, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_A_8, COGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY, a->width, a->buf);
The above creates a texture for the whole file. This is not appropriate for large files.
It is planned to add better support for Clutter in the near future.
A cache of peak files is stored in XDG_CACHE_HOME (default ~/.cache/). Files are removed if older than 30 days. They are stored with standard WAV headers and contain alternating 16bit integer values for plus and minus peak values. One pair of values (for each channel) is stored for every 256 frames of the original audio file.
There are five distinct drawing modes depending on the zoom level. Each mode has 16 times the resolution of the previous.
- Very Low res.
- Low res uses a 256 pixel texture per 256^3 audio frames.
- Std res uses a 256 pixel texture per 256^2 audio frames.
- Hi res draws individual lines, one per 16 audio frames.
- V Hi res draws at full resolution, ie using all audio frames.