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Proactive Rules

Arif Yayalar (@ayayalar) edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

A Proactive rule can proact to another rule. Set the IsProactive flag to true, specify a rule to proact to using ObserveRule property.

  • A Constraint can be defined in the proactive rule to add a condition whether the rule should be invoked or not.
Must be set in the Initialize method.

In the following example UpdatePromoCode is a Proactive Rule. It only gets invoked before the UpdateShipping rule.

class UpdateShipping : Rule<Order>
    public override IRuleResult Invoke()
        Model.FreeShipping = true;
        return null;
class UpdatePromoCode : Rule<Order>
    public override void Initialize()
        // Flag rule to be proactive
        IsProactive = true;

        // Specify rule to proact to

    public override IRuleResult Invoke()
        Model.PromoCode = "156485";
        return null;

Invoke Rule(s)

var ruleResults = await RuleEngine<Order>.GetInstance(order)
    .ApplyRules(new UpdateShipping(), new UpdatePromoCode())