Developing automatic dashboards which allows users to query and customize visualisations with dash and flask
- In the project folder, create a folder
and place yourxlsx
data files there.
NB: Any line that starts with $
indicates that the following text should be executed in the terminal/CMD prompt.
Open up the Terminal or CMD, navigate to the
directory location (replace folder/folder with the correct location) by...$ cd folder/folder/covidVisuals
Install pip3
# Linux $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install virtualenv
# Linux $ sudo apt-get install virtualenv # Mac OS $ sudo -H pip install virtualenv # Windows $ pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment
# Mac OS / Linux $ virtualenv -p python3 venv # Windows $ python3 -mvenv venv
Activate the environment
# Mac OS / Linux $ source venv/bin/activate # Windows $ venv\Scripts\activate
Install the requirements.txt
# openpyxl is a dependency for Pandas $ pip install openpyxl # Mac OS / Linux $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Windows $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the script...
$ python3
Click the localhost link to view the webpage
Go to folder
$ cd folder/folder/covidVisuals
Activate env
# Mac OS $ source venv/bin/activate # Windows $ venv\Scripts\activate
Install or update package
# specific command
Update requirements.txt
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt