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Releases: aws-samples/bedrock-claude-chat


13 Jun 08:44
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New Features

  • Added a feature that allows setting a Conversation Quick Starter for each bot to demonstrate to users how to use the bot through conversation examples. #356 by @wadabee

Bug Fixes


Improved the chat page layout to fix the issue where the answer column was overlapping with the message list on certain screen sizes. #358 by @k70suK3-k06a7ash1


10 Jun 03:50
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with resource management during bulk URL processing, preventing memory leaks. #342 by @edamame8888
  • Fixed a vulnerability by updating npm dependencies. #348


  • Improved Japanese translations for generation parameter text. #343 by @wadabee
  • Improved agent prompt. #354


05 Jun 09:25
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New Features

  • Added ReACT Agent. The Agent iteratively analyzes situations, determines actions, executes using tools/APIs, and learns from observations in a feedback loop to provide context-aware solutions.
    #321 , #329 by @statefb , @k70suK3-k06a7ash1
  • Ability to show related documents as references in past convertsation. #334 by @statefb

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bash script syntax error in the super-easy-deployment script. #337 by @syobochim


03 Jun 05:31
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Major Update Notice (v1)


  • This is a significant update that includes essential security improvements and a migration from the old version (v0.x.x). Please refer to the migration guide. Failure to follow the migration process may result in ALL DATA IN Aurora cluster BEING DESTROYED, and existing bots will no longer function.
  • The main branch is no longer maintained. v1 branch is now default.

New Features

  • Bot Creation Permission: Users can now explicitly allow bot creation, providing more control over bot management. #319 by @Yukinobu-Mine


All of enhancements are regarding security.

  • RDS Encryption: Enabled storage encryption for RDS to protect data at rest.
  • Credential Security: Database usernames and passwords are no longer stored in plaintext in the environment variables of ECS containers and Lambda functions. They are now securely retrieved via Secrets Manager.
  • RDS Authentication: Rotated RDS authentication credentials stored in Secrets Manager for improved security.
  • Public Access Disabled: RDS public access is now explicitly disabled, preventing exposure to the public internet.
  • S3 Access Logs: Enabled access logs for S3 Buckets to enhance security monitoring.
  • Security Compliance: Applied pdk-nag ensuring better security practices.
  • Athena WorkGroup Encryption: New athena.CfnWorkGroup now has encryption configuration set by default.
  • WebSocket Authentication: Changed authentication to occur at the start of session establishment to prevent unauthorized access.

#327 , #328 by @fsatsuki , @statefb


29 May 09:25
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New Features

  • Added flexibility to super-easy deployment mode to customize deployment with parameters like self-registration, IP address restrictions, and allowed sign-up email domains. #318 by @msalheb
  • Ability to toggle displaying retrieved document chunks/citations in bot responses. #298 by @statefb

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed scroll jitter issue when text is being generated near the bottom of the page. #326 by @mattmcdonald39


18 May 01:23
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New Features

  • Allow users to configure LLM inference parameters per bot from the UI. #303 by @jessieweiyi

Bug Fixes


  • When enableMistral is true, the app name in the frontend UI is updated to "Bedrock Chat". #285 by @hustshawn
  • Explicitly specify the AWS region when accessing DynamoDB resources to prevent AccessDeniedException. #304 by @GitSumito
  • Implemented parallel processing and detailed structural analysis (unstructured.partition.pdf) for embedding PDFs to improve performance. #301 by @fsatsuki
  • Added Italian translation. #282 by @angelo-malatacca


26 Apr 09:43
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New Features

Bug Fixes


  • Skip embedding process if there are no updates to the knowledge, chunk_size, or chunk_overlap in the bot console. #273 by @fsatsuki
  • Add support for Mistral models. #253 by @hustshawn
  • Add Spanish language support. #258 by @DTheunis
  • Update backend README with all the required environment variables to run it locally. #263 by @clementvp
  • Add math equation rendering support. #262 by @Taikono-Himazin


17 Apr 00:54
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New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the chat history title was displayed in the wrong language. #247 by @kylelee24
  • Fixed an issue causing the embedding job to fail by adding the poppler dependency. #244 by @skeppeler
  • Fixed an issue where the IDP configuration was not reflected correctly on the login screen. #242 by @statefb


  • Improved the embedding sync process by passing only the DynamoDB record keys through the EventBridge pipe instead of the entire record, avoiding the 8KB character limit. #233 by @JoshuaToth
  • Added support for Progressive Web App (PWA) and optimized icons. #245 by @wadabee


12 Apr 08:22
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New Features

  • Google Auth as an optional feature for user sign-in. #128 by @kyosuke-kobayashi-lvgs
  • Added the ability to customize LLM parameters such as chunk size and overlap from UI. #188 by @2814109
  • A shutdown feature to stop Aurora Serverless at scheduled times. #228 by @2814109
  • Support for custom OIDC providers for user authentication. #213
  • Ability to save the web app to the iOS home screen as an icon. #176 by @amaynez
  • Added Chinese (simplified & traditional) language support. #226 by @dennischang
  • Ability to restrict sign-up to specific email domains. #234 by @fsatsuki
  • A feature to show related documents as references in bot responses. #191

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented starring a shared bot without first having a conversation with it. #203
  • Fixed an error that occurred when sending large images. #201


  • Improved UX on mobile devices by fixing the page height to extend below the address bar. #181 by @alandao
  • Added a preview image dialog when clicking on images in chat messages. #199
  • Reduced the task startup time by 80% for the embedding job by enabling the SOCI index. #185 by @tmokmss


25 Mar 04:09
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New Features

  • Added API publication and Admin dashboard features. Allows users to publish their customized bots as stand-alone APIs and analyze usage for each user / bot on the administrator dashboard.
  • Added French and German language support to the i18n framework. #160 by @jeremylatorre and @dmetzler, #168 by @kennell

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where markdown could not be used for external knowledge. #175
  • Fixed the '+' new chat button on the top-right corner to correctly navigate to the new chat page. #180 by @alandao


  • Updated Llama Index to the latest version. #163