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PyPI Build Python Version

Simple peak detection library for Python based on Billauer's work and this gist. If you can improve this project, feel free to contribute.



$ pip install peakdetect

Clone repository:

$ git clone
$ python peakdetect/ install

Requirements: numpy and scipy. Setup installs requirements itself.


Example usage:

>>> import peakdetect
>>> peaks = peakdetect.peakdetect(y_axis, x_axis, lookahead, delta)

Documentation on peakdetect function, keyword arguments:

y_axis -- A list containing the signal over which to find peaks
x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the y_axis list and is used
    in the return to specify the position of the peaks. If omitted an
    index of the y_axis is used.
    (default: None)
lookahead -- distance to look ahead from a peak candidate to determine if
    it is the actual peak
    (default: 200) 
    '(samples / period) / f' where '4 >= f >= 1.25' might be a good value
delta -- this specifies a minimum difference between a peak and
    the following points, before a peak may be considered a peak. Useful
    to hinder the function from picking up false peaks towards to end of
    the signal. To work well delta should be set to delta >= RMSnoise * 5.
    (default: 0)
    When omitted delta function causes a 20% decrease in speed.
    When used Correctly it can double the speed of the function