OpenBSD dsniff agent rc scripts
This is a script that will startup, shutdown, and restart dsniff, mailsnarf, msgsnarf and urlsnarf listening agents on OpenBSD routers/firewalls. It also logs their output and rotates the files when they reach 50MB.
NOTE: This will add significant CPU overhead so be careful when/where you run this. For instance, while saturating a 100Mbit link to approximately 50% will produce a CPU load average of about 2 on an embedded device.
By default it logs to /var/log/dsniff/$APPNAME
sudo su -
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
git clone git://
crontab -e
Then add the following:
0 0 * * * /root/bin/openbsd_dsniff_scripts/
Then edit the rc.local script:
vi /etc/rc.local
Then add the following:
## start dsniff daemons
if [ -x /root/bin/openbsd_dsniff_scripts/ ]; then
echo 'dsniff daemons'