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autumo beetRoot

A slim & rapid Java web-dev framework
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Table of Contents
  1. What is beetRoot ?
  2. Quickstart
  3. Distributions
  4. Running Modes
  5. Running
  6. Configuration and Passwords
  7. Default Database and Schema
  8. CRUD Generator PLANT
  9. Standard HTML Templates
  11. Routing
  12. Logging
  13. Mailing
  14. Mail Templates
  15. Java Translations
  16. Webapp Design and Javascript
  17. HTTPS
  18. Roadmap | Backlog
  19. License
  20. Contact
  21. Acknowledgments

What is beetRoot ?

autumo beetRoot 2.x - Quickstart

autumo beetRoot 2.x - Quickstart Video

Note: The video shows the old routing which has changed in the version 2.3.0; it is done now with a configuration file (routing.xml); see chapter Routing.

beetRoot Console

beetRoot is a rapid Java web-development as well as a full & secure client-server framework ready to run! If you know CakePHP for web development, you'll like beetRoot. It is based on the same principles and comes with a full CRUD generator generating all views, the model specification and controllers (handlers in beetRoot's terminology) based on the database model! The client-server framework supports encrypted communication (SSL) as well as HTTP/HTTPS-tunneling, provides a file download and upload interface and it can be extended with own (distributed) modules.

Note that the client-server framework is not documented in this document; it focuses only on the web development part.

The Web framework is shipped with the following features ready to use:

  • Add, edit, view, list and delete functionality for entities
  • Bean support with transient and unique fields
  • Language management
  • Exchangeable logging
  • File up- and download
  • Full MIME types control
  • 2-Factor-Authentication
  • Password reset mechanism
  • Extendable user settings
  • Dark theme and theme support
  • Interface for SMS notifications
  • Mailing inclusive mail templates
  • URL routing with language support
  • File caching (resources and templates)
  • Easy to understand HTML template engine
  • Argon2/PBKPD2 password encryption
  • HTTPS protocol and TLS for mail if configured
  • User roles & access control on controller level
  • User session are stored when servers are stopped
  • Entities can be served through the JSON REST API
  • Logging implementations other than log4j2 supported
  • Servlet API 4.0 Java EE 8 (prepared for 5.0 Jakarta EE 8)
  • Full CRUD-Generator PLANT for views, models and handlers
  • One-to-many database relationships are fully applied in MVC layers
  • Tested on Apache Tomcat 9, Eclipse Jetty 10 and Oracle Weblogic 14
  • Standard CSRF mechanism as well as obfuscated CRUD IDs within HTTP requests
  • Database connection pooling (HikariCP, with internal and external JNDI data sources)
  • Runs stand-alone as well as in common servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat and Jetty on URL root path as well behind a servlet-path without modifications of HTML templates, etc.
  • Secure client-server communication, if beetRoot is installed in a servlet container apart from beetRoot server and if there's need for such communication to steer backend processes
  • Hierarchical resource loader; e.g. German language requested, if not found, use configured default language, then use no language at all; "lookup till you find something usable" is the algorithm for everything. As well, load resources from file system (first), then as a resource within packages (jar, war) if not found beforehand.
  • And some more stuff...


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Built With

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Enter the following statements into your terminal.

Linux, macOS


curl -LO$VERSION/$

unzip $
rm $

# Optional libraries to send emails (needed for password reset)
(cd $PACKAGE/lib && curl -LO
(cd $PACKAGE/lib && curl -LO

$PACKAGE/bin/ start


SET PACKAGE=autumo-beetRoot-%VERSION%

curl -LO

tar -xf

REM Optional libraries to send emails (needed for password reset)
cd %PACKAGE%/lib && curl -LO && cd ..\..
cd %PACKAGE%/lib && curl -LO && cd ..\..

%PACKAGE%\bin\beetroot.bat start


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Import the maven-project into your favourite development IDE.

  2. Start developing/customizing: autumo beetRoot 2.x - Quickstart Video.

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  1. Stand-alone server version with all files for every distribution.
  2. General web-app version.
  3. beetroot.war: Tomcat version.
  4. Weblogic version (Stage deployment).
  5. beetroot-jetty.war: Jetty version (for demo purposes only).

Distributions are available here: Releases - they can be generated with the make shell-script too.

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Running Modes

beetRoot can be run in two modes:

  1. As a stand-alone server that consists of:

  2. Within a servlet-container such as Tomcat, WebLogic or Jetty that can optionally interact with the stand-alone server; see above.

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All batch files and shell scripts are located in the bin directory.

  1. Stand-alone usage:

    • start / beetRoot.bat start

      See shell-script if you need special modifications. The stand-alone beetRoot web-server reads the configuration cfg/beetroot.cfg. Most configuration parameters are used for servlet-container operation too. All Configuration parameters are explained in the configuration file itself.

    • Surf to http://localhost:8778 (8778 is the default port for the stand-alone server).

    • The stand-alone server with its resources is packed into

    • Use stop / beetRoot.bat stop to properly stop the stand-alone server.

  2. Servlet-container:

    Throw beetroot.war into tomcat webapps/ and throw beetroot-jetty.war into jetty's webapps/ folder. Fire it up and surf to http://localhost:8080/beetroot. Configure your containers as you wish. We recommend running the beetroot webapp extracted, so any change on the HTML templates and the model configuration (columns.cfg for each entity) can be made on-the-fly.

If you want to keep everything under control use the archive

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Configuration and Passwords

Have a look at cfg/beetroot.cfg. Every configuration parameter is explained. You can run beetRoot with ALL passwords encoded if you wish. You can define, if passwords used in the configuration file should be encoded. The same for passwords stored in the beetRoot-database-table users.

There are two configuration variables for this: admin_pw_encoded & db_pw_encoded (yes/no).

For security reasons, you should change the secret key seed (secret_key_seed) in the beginning and then generate new passwords with the tool If you do, you have to change the initial encoded password for the beetRoot admin user in the database to gain access again!

NOTE: All passwords are beetroot in the beginning!

Furthermore, the configuration offers wide possibilities of customization for your app, such as:

  • Roles
  • Buffer sizes
  • Server ports
  • SSL keystore
  • Session storage
  • Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS)
  • Web application languages
  • Password encryption (see above)
  • Auto-update of modification time-stamps
  • DB access and DB type (connected through JDBC)
  • Supported databases: MySQL, MariaDB, Java H2, Oracle, PostgreSQL
  • Default web view (in case of certain redirects)
  • Mail configuration inclusive TLS; some configuration parameters can be overwritten by values in the standard DB table properties
  • ...and much more.

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Default Database and Schema

Every beetRoot package (stand-alone & web-apps) come with a H2 database filled with sample data and the configuration points to this database. If you want to connect to your own database, simply change the connections parameters in the configuration.

To setup a new database scheme use the SQL-Script db/install_<database-type>.sql and customize it to your needs (initial data).

A word when using MySQL: Due to the GPL license, we don't distribute or create a dependency to the MySQL Connector for Java. Visit Oracle MySQL website and download it yourself if you want to use this connector. Note that the MariaAB connector for Java works also for MySQL databases up to the version 5.5 of MySQL or even for higher versions! Also have a look here for further valuable information in this context: MariaDB License FAQ.

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CRUD Generator PLANT

Start the CRUD generator with the script / plant.bat and follow the steps!

The generator reads the entities in the database that is configured in cfg/beetroot.cfg, from which you can choose one or all! If you need another configuration file (e.g. with another database connection), you can specify that configuration file as an argument in the shell / batch scripts above. PLANT supports the MySQL, MariaDB, H2, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases.

NOTE: Entities for beetRoot MUST be named in plural form in the database, e.g.: tasks, users, cities, properties, cars, etc.

In the Generated HTMLs the following standard transformation takes place:

  • tasks -> task (singular)
  • properties -> property (singular)

Hence, we suggest you use English names for your database entities, even you can adjust the named versions in the generated HTMLs of course and which is even necessary if you copy the templates for other languages.

It generates the following sources:

HTML templates & model configuration (columns.cfg):

  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/add.html
  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/edit.html
  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/view.html
  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/index.html
  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/columns.cfg

Java sources (handlers):

  • src/planted/beetroot/handler/{entity-plural-name}/{Entity-plural-name}
  • src/planted/beetroot/handler/{entity-plural-name}/{Entity-plural-name}
  • src/planted/beetroot/handler/{entity-plural-name}/{Entity-plural-name}
  • src/planted/beetroot/handler/{entity-plural-name}/{Entity-plural-name}
  • src/planted/beetroot/handler/{entity-plural-name}/{Entity-plural-name}

Adjust them to your needs (see existing handlers for examples) and more IMPORTANT: Move the Java sources to another package! All generated files are overwritten the next time if you re-generate sources for the same entity!

The HTML templates & model configuration are usually moved/copied to a language sub-directory:

  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/en/*.html|columns.cfg
  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/de/*.html|columns.cfg
  • web/html/{entity-plural-name}/fr/*.html|columns.cfg
  • etc.

We suggest to backup your original generated HTML templates and model configuration, they serve as a fallback scenario when the user request a language that is not present!

The model configuration columns.cfg does the following for every entity:

  • It defines what columns you see for every view (add, edit, view/single-record, index/list) and defines a value for the field name. See existing files for sample entities Task and/or User. E.g.:

    index.html: list.aDbfield=GUI Name for that Field

    view.html: view.aDbfield=GUI Name for that Field

    edit.html: edit.aDbfield=GUI Name for that Field

    add.html: add.aDbfield=GUI Name for that Field

  • It also defines which columns are UNIQUE in the database by defining them with the key unique, e.g.:

    unique=name, path

  • If you want to load a value from a database field into the entity bean to use it in a handler, but you do not want it to be displayed in the GUI, define the constant 'NO_SHOW' as the GUI field name, for example:

    index.html: list.secretDbField=NO_SHOW

    view.html: view.secretDbField=NO_SHOW

    edit.html: edit.secretDbField=NO_SHOW

    add.html: add.secretDbField=NO_SHOW

  • Furthermore, you can manually define transient values that are not read from or stored to database nor they are loaded within a bean, they are just delievered within the handler methods, so another value can be served for these transient columns/fields, e.g.:


  • Last, you can manually specify default values with the init-prefix that should be shown in the add.html-template when a new record is created, e.g:


Your TODO's are the following after generating:

  • Add mandatory (DB: not nullable) fields in the add-handler: only the mandatory fields need a default value in the add handler that are not present in the GUI! See all Properties handlers for more information.

  • Remove unwanted GUI fields from columns.cfg for the views view, add and edit.

  • Also Remove unwanted <col span..> tags in the index.html; e.g. if you removed standard fields id, created and modified from columns.cfg.

  • Add entity to menu or admin menu and overwrite hasAccess-method for every handler if necessary.

NOTE: PLANT uses its own templates stored within the gen/-directory. Of course, you can even adjust these templates next to the block-templates, so they have the structure you want to have for your own web-app.

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Standard HTML Templates

The following standard HTML templates are present, which can be customized too of course:

  • web/html/blocks/*.html:

    • Defines the layout of the page with its general elements such as head, header, menu admin menu, language menu, message block and script section (javascript).

    • They can be copied to other language directories too (e.g. web/html/blocks/en/*.html), if they need to be language specific, which in most cases, is not necessary. They also serve as fallback templates, if the user requested a language that isn't found respectively the web-app is not yet translated into that language.

    • NOTE: Here, as well as with the generated HTML templates, the lookup algorithm is: a) First, lookup templates in requested language directory (2-letter ISO code) b) If not found, try the default language; this is the one that is first defined in the configuration, see parameter web_languages. c) If still not found, use the templates by omitting the language code, respectively the language directory in the web/html-directory structure.

E.g.: the Englisch index.html for the entity tasks is here: web/html/en/tasks/index.html. If this resource is not available, then web/html/tasks/index.html is looked up. The same applies for colums.cfg resources.

NOTE: Valid for templates and any other HTML files that are added to the web/html-directory structure:

  • The relative URL (without Host, Port and Servlet name) requested by the web-app user is translated not 1-to-1 by the directory structure, but through Routing; see chapter!

The following template variables are always parsed and you can use them as many times as you want:

  • {$lang} : User's language, 2-ISO-code
  • {$user} : User login name
  • {$userfull} : Full user name (first and last name if available, otherwise login name)
  • {$title} : Page title (within add, edit, view and list)
  • {$id} : Obfuscated object id (within add, edit and view)
  • {$dbid} : Real database id (within add, edit and view)
  • {$csrfToken} : CSRF token
  • {$theme} : The currently default chosen style theme, e.g. default
  • {$antitheme} : The default style theme to which can be switched to, e.g. dark
  • {$displayName} : Display name taken from the bean entity (not in index.html)

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beetRoot comes with an "out-of-the-box" JSON REST API that serves any entity from the application. The API uses an API key that is defined within the "Settings" by the key web.json.api.key. The API key name itself can be changed in the beetRoot configuration cfg/beetroot.cfg.

A REST API call looks like this:

  • http://localhost:8778/tasks/index.json?apiKey=c56950c47cc9f055a17395d6bf94222d&page=1&fetchsize=2&sort=id&direction=desc&page=1

Example Answer:

	    "tasks": [
	            "id": "5",
	            "name": "Task 5",
	            "active": "false",
	            "laststatus": "false"
	            "id": "4",
	            "name": "Task 4",
	            "active": "false",
	            "laststatus": "true"
	    "paginator": {
	        "itemsPerPage": 2,
	        "itemsTotal": 2,
	        "lastPage": 1,

As you can see, you can iterate with the paginator object through pages with your REST calls - the same way as you would navigate within an HTML index page.

JSON templates can be handled like HTML templates: Put them into the directory web/html/... No user languages are used in any way by using this API. Therefore, you can dismiss the HTML template language directories and place the template, e.g. for entity tasks, directly here web/html/tasks/index.json; it looks like this:

	    "tasks": [

Also, you can create an own columns.cfg that is specific for the JSON request in this directory, for example looking like this:

It never has been easier using a REST API!

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The router defines which resources are served by the requested URL. The out-of-box router is the BeetRootDefaultRouter and it reads the configuration routing.xml; you simply add your own routes to this configuration. If you use the PLANT generator, it will output the necessary information to be used in the routing configuration.

Let's have a look at some example routes in routing.xml:

	<Package name="ch.autumo.beetroot.handler">
		<!-- Home  -->
	    <Route path="/:lang/home" handler="HomeHandler" name="home" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/home/index" handler="HomeHandler" name="home" />
		<!-- Files  -->
	    <Route path="/:lang/files/view" handler="ExampleDownloadHandler" name="files" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/files/add" handler="ExampleUploadHandler" name="files" />
	<Package name="ch.autumo.beetroot.handler.tasks">
		<!-- Tasks  -->
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks" handler="TasksIndexHandler" name="tasks" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks/index" handler="TasksIndexHandler" name="tasks" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks/view" handler="TasksViewHandler" name="tasks" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks/edit" handler="TasksEditHandler" name="tasks" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks/add" handler="TasksAddHandler" name="tasks" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks/delete" handler="TasksDeleteHandler" name="tasks" />
	    <Route path="/:lang/tasks/index.json" handler="TasksRESTIndexHandler" name="tasks" />

Note: Don't forget to change the package names in routing.xml if you rename them in your handler classes!

The requested URL's are translated to generated (or self-created) handlers which always must implement the method:

	public  String getResource();

For generated handlers (with the CRUD generator) this is usually not necessary, because they have a standard implementation (here for index.html):

	public  String getResource() {
	    return "web/html/:lang/"+entity+"/index.html";

If your handlers need customization, just overwrite this method. As you can see, here the translation of the requested URL takes place and points to the web/html-directory structure!

The language is replaced by the requested language, and if not found the lookup algorithm as earlier explained is executed. The entity name is assigned through the construction of the handler (see route examples above). That's it, more or less!

NOTE: You never have to reference the servlet-name within any request URL not in the router, not even in your HTML templates when running beetRoot in a servlet container. Just specify the configuration parameter web_html_ref_pre_url_part.

For example ('beetroot' is the default servlet name/url):

beetRoot handles every pre-url-path / servlet-name-path by its own, if configured correctly!

IMPORTANT: If you run beetRoot as a stand-alone server or in a servlet container, where beetRoot is installed on the ROOT path, NEVER specify the parameter web_html_ref_pre_url_part! When you define a HTML a-tag (e.g. <a href="/{$lang}/tasks/index"....>) or an image source or any other source (e.g. <img src="/img/beetroot-100.png">), you always point to the root-path "/". Tough, you have to include the language placeholder :lang for HTML templates always.

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beetRoot uses SLF4j. For the stand-alone and tomcat wep-app version, the log4j2 implementation (the one that has NOT the log4j2 bug in it...!) is used and the default configuration cfg/logging.xml (stand-alone) and/or logging.xml (in tomcat web-app servlet directory) is used. If you want to specify your own, adjust it this way:

  • stand-alone: Define a runtime parameter in the shell/bash script when starting Java:


  • tomcat web-app: Define your log file in the 'WEB-INF/web.xml', parameter:


As for jetty, they stand above all that "log-framework-soup" and they just simply use a SLF4j implementation that needs no further configuration. Hence, the library slf4j.simple-x.y.z.jar is packed into beetroot-jetty.war. The only concern is to add your package to the the jetty basic logging configuration in {JETTY_BASE}/resources/

	## Configure a level for specific logger

NOTE: All logging levels are set to INFO in the beginning!

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Mailing supports Eclipse's Jakarta (jakarta.mail) as well as Oracle's JavaMail (javax.mail) implementation as originally defined by the JavaMail project. By default, Jakarta is used. This possibly must be switched to JavaMail in certain environments that don't "interact" well with Jakarta. E.g., WebLogic uses Oracle's original implementation when using their mail-sessions as it should be done in that container. When using JavaMail, such a mail-session must be specified in the beetRoot configuration.

Check the configuration cfg/beetroot.cfg for further mailing options. Some of them can be even overwritten by the application "Settings"; check the "Settings" page in the beetRoot Web application.

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Mail Templates

Mail templates are here and follow the same lookup-patterns as for HTML templates:

HTML format:

  • web/html/en/email
  • web/html/de/email
  • web/html/email
  • etc.

Text format:

  • txt/html/en/email
  • txt/html/de/email
  • txt/html/email
  • etc.

beetRoot can send both HTML and text emails. Formats are configured with the parameter mail_formats.

NOTE: Java mail doesn't allow sending HTML with a head nor body-tag, hence you only are able to define HTML templates with tags that would be inside of a the body-tag. It is specification!

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Java Translations

If you need translations within the Java code, you simply add language java resource bundle keys within the web/lang directory to the specific language resource bundle, e.g. You can change beetRoot's standard messages too. For every new language added respectively requested by the web-app user, add the corresponding language java resource bundle within this directory.

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Webapp Design and Javascript

All you need for this, is located here:

  • web/css/*
  • web/font/*
  • web/img/*
  • web/js/*

These resources are straightly routed by the user's URL request, e.g.:

  • http://localhost:8080/img/myImage.png -> web/img/myImage.png
  • http://localhost:8080/js/myScript.js -> web/js/myScript.js
  • etc.

Also, in this case, you never have to reference a servlet name in any HTML template, you always point to the root-path "/", no matter what!

A few words about existing stylesheets:

  • web/css/base.css: Base styles, you don't want to change this in most cases.

  • web/css/style.css: Adjust your general web-application style here.

  • web/css/refs.css: Add here styles that reference images, fonts, etc. per url-references, e.g.: url('/img/...');. This is necessary, so beetRoot can translate resource URL's for a servlet context correctly.

  • web/css/jquery-ui.min.css: Better tooltips.

  • web/css/default.css: Your default web-application styles and designs.

  • web/css/theme-dark.css: The default dark theme; you can add your own themes by naming it theme-yourname.css and HTTP-request it through the users' settings handler.

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If you run beetRoot as a stand-alone server and you want to run it with the HTTPS protocol, there's a prepared and self-signed keystore file: ssl/beetroot.jks that is valid forever.

If you configure beetRoot to run with the HTTPS protocol (configuration parameter ws_https), you can use this keystore file and it is specified by default in the configuration (keystore). Your browser will still complain, because it is not issued by a valid Certificate Authority (CA), but you can force the browser to still load the web-app by adding this exception. If you run beetRoot in productive mode, you have to acquire a valid certificate and store it this keystore or in a an own; Java supports the PKCS#12 format and Java keystore can be opened with tools such as this one: The password for ssl/beetroot.jks is beetroot.

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Roadmap | Backlog

See also the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See for more information.

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autumo Switzerland - @autumo - [email protected]

Project Link:

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Your donation helps to develop autumo beetRoot further. Thank you!


Copyright 2024, autumo Ltd., Switzerland