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Barefoot Nomad. The company that takes care of your whole journey experience whether you are travelling for business purpose, leasure or any other reason. We've got you covered.


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In the business world, travelling in different location is so common, but handling business deals, dealing with clients and responding to customer needs is what takes up the whole day and it gets hard to find a time to organise the whole travelling experience. Not only in business but also in leisure, travelling is a necessity. Many companies sometimes needs to send their employees to different locations to do some work. This is a common problem in the industry. The solution is to have a platform where you can manage your business travel experience, accomodation, room booking and any other activities in a more convenient way.

We Code Ninjas, thought of the whole struggle and how stressful the experience can be and we decide to develop a perfect solution for it with "Barefoot Nomad". Here we work with different accommodations service providers and travel companies from different location to help plan, organise and keep track of your whole journey.

With Barefoot Nomad, our clients (Requesters) will be able to secure their spot by making a trip request, booking rooms in different accomodation facilities and choose different location to travel to according to their needs.

We will also help you to manage your business travel experience and keep track of your business trips at your fingertips by keeping you up to date with available accomodations, travel and arrival dates as well as trip approvals or rejections.

Choose Barefoot Nomad, the perfect partner that will walk with you through your journey and make your journey a memorable one.

A. Pre-requisites:

  • To be able to test this project locally, you need to have the following tools on your local machine:

B. Steps

  1. Clone this repo by running git clone
  2. Install all needed dependencies by running yarn
  3. Create a .env file
  4. Copy all of the fields from .env.example, paste them in .env file and provide values for them
  5. Start Local server by running yarn start to run it in production mode.
  6. Use yarn dev to run it in development mode.
  7. Go to http://localhost:{{PORT}}/ => Where {{PORT}} : is the port number that you precise in your .env file

C. Tools used

  1. ReactJS as the frontend framework
  2. Redux as the state management framework
  3. Webpack 4 for bundling
  4. Storybook for component development
  5. TravisCI for continuous integration
  6. Code Climate for code coverage
  7. GitHub and Git for Version control

D. Dependencies

  1. Redux
  2. React-Router-DOM
  3. sass
  4. sass-loader

E. Environment Variables

  • Setup your environment Variables as you will find in .env.example

F. Running the application locally

To start Development Server

  yarn dev

To start Production Server

  yarn start

G. Dependencies

Major dependancies used in this Project are:

"react": "^18.1.0",
"react-dom": "^18.1.0",
"react-router-dom": "^6.3.0",
"sass": "^1.51.0",

H. Test Setup and Executions

unit test for this application is seted up using:

these Packages

  "jest-environment-jsdom": "^28.1.0",
  "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.4"

together with jest.config.js they are both used to setup unit test of our project.

Test Suites executing

  yarn test
  yarn test_coverage

I. Deployments