Closed issues:
- dev-develop branches should require other dev-develop branches for all atk/* repositories #641
- mink-selenium2-driver #638
- hasOne relation should use Lookup field instead of DropDown by default #636
- Template: tryAppend() and tryAppendHTML() woud be nice #626
- Possible Restriction Solution: custom templates must be defined in vendor atk4/ui #625
- CRUD and read_only field #620
- Ternary operator messes up integer with value = 0 in DropDown::getInput() #618
- Template _top tag doesn't work #610
- Multiple Modals: Closing second modal by clicking dimmer does not work everywhere in dimmer if second modal is smaller than first one #609
- Lister need {empty} ability in it's template #606
- confirm in View->on() only works with Callback, not with jsReload for example #503
- Font size on tablet screen #485
- Implement a simple template routing in Agile UI #440
- Nested Modals #436
- Integrate ATK with Zend3 #384
Merged pull requests:
- Add "confirm" option support for js->on() case #642 (@DarkSide666)
- Feature/test persist array #640 (@DarkSide666)
- fix #638 #639 (@DarkSide666)
- Use Lookup field for hasOne, fix #636 #637 (@DarkSide666)
- Don't apply sorting in case sortable=false. #635 (@DarkSide666)
- Feature/fix paginator plus sort #634 (@DarkSide666)
- Feature/upd crud demo #633 (@DarkSide666)
- fix in case you don't have {empty} tag in your Lister template #632 (@DarkSide666)
- add ability to set buttonSave=false to not create it #631 (@DarkSide666)
- comment fix #630 (@DarkSide666)
- Feature/allow to set multiple template paths #628 (@DarkSide666)
- Refactor Template set, append, implement tryAppend, add tests. #627 (@DarkSide666)
- Fix UTF-8 #624 (@mvorisek)
- Critical bug fix: always convert Dropdown/Autocomplete/Lookup values to string #623 (@mvorisek)
- Fixes #618: Process fields with integer value 0 correctly #619 (@PhilippGrashoff)
- Feature/dynamic scroll crud #617 (@DarkSide666)
- Make demo for dynamic scroll in container better #616 (@DarkSide666)
- Feature/cond form fixes #615 (@DarkSide666)
- Feature/add dropdown tests #614 (@romaninsh)
- feature/upgrade js package dependencies #613 (@ibelar)
- Feature/refactor template #612 (@DarkSide666)
- Implements {empty} tag in Lister #611 (@DarkSide666)
- Fix mobile layout #608 (@skondakov)
- Catch coverage usage from callback handlers executed from php shutdown #607 (@romaninsh)