Udemy 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Bootcamp
Each "Day" has a final project, and these are my submissions for those projects.
While the code is not necessarily written to be the simplest, or most efficient, each day's assignment is written using only what has been taught in the class to that point. There is also additional enhancements that are not covered in the course, but that I picked up by watching other tutorial videos on YouTube.
Each day's lesson has a solution video and walk-thru of Dr. Angela Yu's code, but my code is initially written prior to seeing her solution. Occasionally there is something in the way she writes her code that I will go back and retro-fit into my code, but those are usually commented to on the check-in comments.
For some, I have gone back later and refactored the code to be better, with a later check-in on Git - see check-in comments
- Capstone Projects:
- Day 011 - Blackjack
- Day 023 - Turtle Crossing Game
Day006 did not have a final project to write, but used "Reeborg's World" https://reeborg.ca/reeborg.html?lang=en&mode=python&menu=worlds%2Fmenus%2Freeborg_intro_en.json&name=Maze&url=worlds%2Ftutorial_en%2Fmaze1.json
Day013 did not have a final project to write, it was videos on debugging