An example of building a new gem from scratch with Bundler 1.9 and Thor 0.19.
Referenced by the accompanying blog post.
bundle gem gem_example
(n) to code of conduct
(y) to MIT license
May also ask you the first time through the wizard about including a testing scaffold, I prefer rspec.
cd gem_example
git add . && git commit -am 'initial commit'
Add remainder of testing scaffold
bundle install
bundle exec rake spec
Refer to bundler's gem scaffold for where to put cli executables (e.g. an exe folder)
bundle install
chmod +x exe/gem_example
Updated the gemspec summary and description (necessary for both local gem installation and release)
Important to commit before running the gem, as the gemspec relies on running git ls-files
for which files to include in the runtime environment
bundle exec exe/gem_example
bundle exec exe/gem_example hello Johnny
bundle exec rake build
(builds gem package)
bundle exec rake install
(installs gem locally so you can use it anywhere on your system from the CLI)
rbenv rehash
(if you use rbenv, run this so rbenv see's your newly installed gem's executable and includes it in rbenv's stub directory)
gem_example hello Sally