JConsole is a cli tools implement from Joomla Console Package. It provides an interface to create nested commands.
About Console package:
Please see: https://github.com/asika32764/joomla-framework/tree/console/src/Joomla/Console
Note: Console package has not added to Joomla Framework yet, it is an experimental package.
cd your/joomla/path
php composer.phar create-project asika/jconsole libraries/jconsole 1.0.*
Then, remove libraries/jconsole/.gitignore
if you want to track whole Joomla by Git, use root gitignore instead.
Open terminal, go to path/of/joomla
php cli/console
Will get a help message:
Joomla! Console - version: 1.0
[console Help]
console <command> [option]
-h | --help Display this help message.
-q | --quiet Do not output any message.
-v | --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages.
--no-ansi Suppress ANSI colors on unsupported terminals.
Available commands:
help List all arguments and show usage & manual.
build Some useful tools for building system.
sql Example description.
system System control.
Welcome to Joomla! Console.
help List all arguments and show usage & manual.
build Some useful tools for building system.
check-constants Check php files which do not included Joomla constants.
gen-command Generate a command class.
index Create empty index.html files in directories.
sql SQL migration tools.
backup Backup sql.
col Column operation
export Export sql.
import Import a sql file.
profile Profiles.
restore Restore to pervious point.
table Model operation.
system System control.
clean-cache Clean system cache.
off Set this site offline.
on Set this site online.
Create a plugin in console
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
class plgConsoleMycommand extends JPlugin
* onConsoleLoadCommand Event, called when auto added command.
* @param string $context The command class, example: 'Command\\Build\\Indexmaker'.
* @param JConsole\Command\JCommand $command The parent command, You can addArgument to it.
* @return void
public function onConsoleLoadCommand($context, $command)
if ($context != 'Command\\System\\System')
/** @var $command JCommand */
'mycommand', // Command name
'This is my command.', // Description
null, // Options
// Executing code.
$command->out('Hello World');
Now, this custom command will added to system command.
Joomla! Console - version: 1.0
[system Help]
System control.
system <command> [option]
-h | --help Display this help message.
-q | --quiet Do not output any message.
-v | --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages.
--no-ansi Suppress ANSI colors on unsupported terminals.
Available commands:
mycommand This is my command. <---- Here is your command
clean-cache Clean system cache.
off Set this site offline.
on Set this site online.
We execute it.
$ php cli/console system mycommand
$ php console system mycommand
Hello World
We can put our commands in plugin folder:
|--- Command
| |--- MyCommand
| |--- MyCommand.php <--- Here is our command class
|--- mycommand.php
|--- mycommand.xml
Create your command class.
namespace Command\Mycommand;
use JConsole\Command\JCommand;
class Mycommand extends JCommand
* An enabled flag.
* @var bool
public static $isEnabled = true;
protected $name = 'mycommand';
protected $description = 'This is mycommand.';
protected function doExecute()
$this->out('Hello World.');
Register command in your plugin.
public function onConsoleLoadCommand($context, $command)
if ($context != 'Command\\System\\System')
// Add autoload to plugin folder
JLoader::registerNamespace('Command', __DIR__);
// Namespace 'Command\Mycommand\Mycommand` will auto match `Command/Mycommand/Mycommand.php` path.
$command->addArgument(new Command\Mycommand\MyCommand);
This result will be same as previous section.
Please see: https://github.com/asika32764/joomla-framework/tree/console/src/Joomla/Console
And: https://github.com/asika32764/joomla-framework/tree/console/src/Joomla/Console/Command
- SQL migration documentation.
- Site Installation
- Assets tools
- ACL fixer
Welcome any Pull-request.