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Artsy Docker Development Toolkit


Hokusai works with Kubernetes and Docker to manage a container driven workflow, from development to testing and deployment.


  1. Docker

  2. Docker Compose

If you install Docker for Mac, docker-compose is also installed. Otherwise install with: sudo pip install docker-compose.

  1. AWS CLI

Install with: pip install awscli. Set the $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. You should have permissions to evaluate the aws ecr get-login comamnd for your ECR region and push access to your ECR repositories.

  1. kubectl

Install the kubectl binary and kubectl configuration in ~/.kube/config for your Kubernetes cluster - make sure the version of the kubectl binary matches your cluster.


Ensure docker, docker-compose, kubectl and aws are installed to your PATH.

Ensure Python-development headers are installed. On Debian run

sudo apt-get install python-dev

Now package Hokusai with

pip install .

And hokusai should now be installed on your PATH.

Now run

hokusai check --interactive

to ensure everything is set up correctly.

To upgrade to the latest changes in this repo, just run

pip install --upgrade .


hokusai --help
hokusai {command} --help

Initializing a project


hokusai init

This writes hokusai project config to hokusai/config.yml, creates test, development and production yaml files alongside it, and adds a Dockerfile to the current directory.

Required options:

  • --aws-account-id: Your AWS account ID - can be found in your AWS account console.
  • --framework: Either "rack" or "nodejs".
  • --base-image: The base docker image for the project Dockerfile - i.e. "ruby:2.2" or "ruby:2.2-alpine" - see Docker Hub for valid base images.


  • hokusai dev - Boot a development stack as defined in hokusai/development.yml.
  • hokusai test - Boot a testing stack as defined in hokusai/test.yml and exits with the return code of the test command.

Working with Images

  • hokusai build - Build the latest docker image for the project.
  • hokusai pull - Pull images for your project from your AWS ECR repo.
  • hokusai push - Push a locally built image to your AWS ECR repo.
  • hokusai images - List all project images in your local docker registry.

Working with ConfigMaps

  • hokusai config pull - Pulls config from the Kubernetes server and writes to the hokusai directory.
  • hokusai config push - Pushes config from the hokusai directory to the Kubernetes server. Config is created for the project as the Kubernetes ConfigMap object {project}-config

Working with Secrets

  • hokusai secret pull - Pulls secrets from the Kubernetes server and writes to the hokusai directory.
  • hokusai secret push - Pushes secrets from the hokusai directory to the Kubernetes server. Secrets are created for the project as the Kubernetes Secret object {project}-secrets

Working with Stacks

  • hokusai stack up - Launch a stack for a given Kubernetes context.
  • hokusai stack down - Delete a stack defined for a given Kubernetes context.
  • hokusai stack status - Print the stack status.


  • hokusai deploy - Update the Kubernetes deployment to a given image tag.

Running a console

  • hokusai console - Launch a container and attach a shell session.
  • hokusai run - Launch a container and run a given command. It exits with the status code of the command run in the container (useful for rake tasks, etc).


Artsy Docker Development Toolkit






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  • Python 100.0%