A simple ToDo App created to share understanding/learning on how to use Angular, Dotnet, MySQL and Dotnet ef core and identity frameworks to support database storage and login functionalities.
- Follow Prerequisites section to install dotnet related dependencies and VS Code
- Install node by following if needed. It is required by angular local development.
- Install angular if needed by running
npm install -g @angular/cli
in a terminal - Install Mysql from official source and ensure it is started. Ask ChatGPT or Google how to start it after installation
- Git clone through VS Code terminal
- Open the downloaded repository folder in the VS Code. Repository name would be:
- Install tool for database migration if necessary through VS Code terminal:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Run in the same terminal:
dotnet ef database update
to migrate database schema changes from the project to Mysql database - In a new VS Code terminal navigate to Angular folder:
cd ClientApp
- In the same terminal install angular dependencies by running:
npm install
- Same terminal run:
ng serve
to start node server to listen tohttp://localhost:4200/
- In another terminal, ensure you are in the root project folder and run:
dotnet run
to build and run dotnet project locally - Visit
to use the app. Keep in mind that password for a new user signup has constraints where it would require some combination of number, special characters and should be at least 8 length.
- Please open issue/pull request if something is not working or drop an email