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Require with composer:

composer req asgoodasnu/simple-data-mapper:*@dev

Then in your Project, add a ConfigurationBuilder to add your own mappings. You have to implement ConfigurationHandler Interface



use Asgoodasnew\SimpleDataMapperBundle\Collector\ConfigurationHandler;
use Asgoodasnew\SimpleDataMapperBundle\Configuration\Configuration;
use Asgoodasnew\SimpleDataMapperBundle\Loader\PhPFileLoader;

class SimpleDataMapperConfigurationBuilder implements ConfigurationHandler
    public function handle(Configuration $configuration): void
                new PhPFileLoader('path/to/file/returns/php/array.php'),
                function (string $s1, string $s2) {
                    return [$s1, $s2];

Now you can autowire the simple data mapper

public function __construct(SimpleDataMpper $simpleDataMapper)
  echo $simpleDataMapper->map('name', ['key1, 'key2'];

  // With example data file, this would print "Hallo"

Example PHP Data file


  return [
    'key1' => [
      'key2' => 'Hallo'