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Testing the Server Endpoints

Sárváry Krisztián edited this page Nov 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

This document describes the testing of the Server Endpoints

Penetration testing

We performed the penetration testing of the server side application by using sqlmap. To use sqlmap we had to collect the list of endpoints, configure sqlmap, and perform the attacks.

The requests made to the server side might contain user defined in three places:

  • In the URI as a path variable. An example is the GET /caff/{id} URI that gets the data of a CAFF with the user supplied id.
  • In the URI as query parameters. GET requests might have query parameters, mainly to configure search criteria, or pagination. An example is the GET /caff?pageSize=100&offset=0 query that lists all CAFFs paginated.
  • In the body of the request. The API receives information in POST and PUT requests with multipart/form-data encoding. An example is the POST /caff endpoint that creates a CAFF.

Unfortunately, sqlmap does not support multipart/form-data requests out-of-the box. However, it is able to process request files, which can contain arbitrary requests. Combining this feature with the feature of defining arbitrary injection points, we were able to generate request files for our endpoints, that mark the possible injection points to the application.

The result of the penetration testing can be seen in the table below. Please note, that these request files contain bearer tokens and id-s, that need to be replaced in a new testing environment!

Endpoint Request file Vulnerable for SQL injection
POST /auth/login file NO
POST /auth/register file NO
POST /auth/passwordReset file NO
GET /user file NO
POST /user file NO
GET /user/{id} file NO
PUT /user/{id} file NO
DELETE /user/{id} file NO
GET /caff file NO
GET /caff/{id} file NO
GET /caff/{id}/download file NO
GET /caff/{id}/preview file NO
PUT /caff/{id} file NO
DELETE /caff/{id} file NO
GET /caff/{id}/comment file NO
POST /caff/{id}/comment file NO
GET /caff/{id}/comment/{id} file NO
PUT /caff/{id}/comment/{id} file NO
DELETE /caff/{id}/comment/{id} file NO

As it can be seen, sqlmap did not find any endpoints susceptible to SQL Injection attacks.

End-to-End tests

As described in the testing plan the servers adherence to the functional requirements and security requirements should be tested with end-to-end tests. The testing was carried out manually using Postman.

Test set

Our end-to-end tests were defined following the traceability between the above linked requirements and the various functions of the server component. Performing end-to-end tests can be time consuming so in some cases we grouped similar requirements and tested them as a single end-to-end test. The tested requirements (Requirement ID(s)), pre-conditions of the given test case (GIVEN), performed actions (WHEN), pass criteria (THEN) and final test results (Test result) are listed in the following tables.

Testing functional requirements

Requirement ID(s) GIVEN WHEN THEN Test result
FU1, FU1.1 A globally unique username, a valid email and a valid password AuthController.register Returned status code is OK, and the newly created user is able to log in Passed
FU2, FU2.1 A valid email or username and the matching password AuthController.login Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity is valid Passed
FU2.2 A user AuthController.passwordReset Returned status code is OK, and login is only possible with the new password Passed
FU3, FU3.1, FU3.2, FU3.3 A user UserController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the profile (username, email or password) is modified Passed
FU4 An admin and two users UserController.getAll Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity contains all the users Passed
FU4.1 An admin and a user UserController.getMe, UserController.getOne Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity contains the requested user data Passed
FU5, FU5.1 An admin and a user UserController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the username is modified Passed
FU5.2 An admin and a user AuthController.passwordReset Returned status code is OK, and login for the user is only possible with the new password Passed
FU5.3 An admin and a user UserController.deleteOne Returned status code is OK, and the deleted user can not be found Passed
FCa1 An admin, a user and two CAFFs CAFFController.getAll Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity contains the list of CAFFs Passed
FCa1.1, FCa1.1.1, FCa1.1.2 An admin, a user and two different CAFFs CAFFController.getAll Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity only contains the searched CAFF Passed
FCa2 An admin, a user and a CAFF CAFFController.getOne Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity contains the CAFF Passed
FCa2.1 An admin, a user and a CAFF CAFFController.preview Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity contains the preview of the CAFF Passed
FCa3 An admin, a user and a CAFF CAFFController.createOne Returned status code is OK, and the CAFF can only be found after upload Passed
FCa3.1, FCa3.1.1, FCa3.1.2 A user with an uploaded CAFF CAFFController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the CAFF's metadata (name or tag) is modified Passed
FCa3.1.3 A user with an uploaded CAFF CAFFController.deleteOne Returned status code is OK, and the CAFF can not be found Passed
FCa3.1.4 Two users and a CAFF CAFFController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the CAFF's metadata (name or tag) is not modified Passed
FCa3.2, FCa3.2.1, FCa3.2.2 An admin and a CAFF CAFFController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the users CAFF's metadata (name or tag) is modified Passed
FCa3.2.3 An admin, a user and a CAFF CAFFController.deleteOne Returned status code is OK, and the users CAFF can not be found Passed
FCa4 An admin, a user and a CAFF Returned status code is OK, and the returned entity contains the CAFF Passed
FCo1 A user and a CAFF CAFFController.createOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the newly created comment can be found Passed
FCo1.1 A user, a CAFF and a comment from the user CAFFController.editOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the commet is changed Passed
FCo1.2 A user, a CAFF and a comment from the user CAFFController.deleteOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment can not be found Passed
FCo1.3 Two users, a CAFF and a comment from one of the users CAFFController.editOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment is not changed Passed
FCo1.4 Two users, a CAFF and a comment from one of the users CAFFController.deleteOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment can still be found Passed
FCo2 An admin and a CAFF CAFFController.createOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment can be found Passed
FCo2.1 An admin, a user and a CAFF with a comment from the user CAFFController.editOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the commet is changed Passed
FCo2.2 An admin, a user and a CAFF with a comment from the user CAFFController.deleteOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment can not be found Passed

Testing security requirements

Requirement ID(s) GIVEN WHEN THEN Test result
SCo1 Two users UserController.getOne Returned status code is OK if the user checks its own personal data (username and email) Passed
SCo1.1 An admin and a user UserController.getOne Returned status code is OK, and the personal data (username and email) is returned Passed
SCo2 An admin and a user /actuator/httptrace Returned status code is OK, and the log is returned only when the requester is an admin Passed
SCo3 An admin and a user UserController.getOne Returned status code is OK, and the password is not revealed for anyone Passed
SI1, SI1.2 Two users and a CAFF CAFFController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the CAFF's metadata (name or tag) is not modified Passed
SI1.1, SI1.2 An admin, a user and a CAFF CAFFController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the users CAFF's metadata (name or tag) is modified Passed
SI2, SI2.2 Two users, a CAFF and a comment from one of the users CAFFController.editOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment is not changed Passed
SI2.1, SI2.2 An admin, a user, a CAFF and a comment from the user CAFFController.editOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment is changed Passed
SI3, SI3.2 Two users, a CAFF and a comment from one of the users CAFFController.deleteOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment can still be found Passed
SI3.1, SI3.2 An admin, a user and a CAFF with a comment from the user CAFFController.deleteOneComment Returned status code is OK, and the comment can not be found Passed
SI4 Two users UserController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and the other users data is not changed Passed
SI4.1, SI4.2, SI4.3 An admin and a user UserController.editOne Returned status code is OK, and only the username could be changed Passed
SI5 An admin and two users UserController.deleteOne Returned status code is OK, and only the administrator could delete a user Passed
SI6* - - - -
SAv1 A user e.g. AuthController.login Returned status code is OK (however testing robustness is not the goal of E2E tests) Passed
SAv2* - - - -
SAe1, SAe1.1 A non-registered entity, an admin and a user AuthController.login and e.g. UserController.getMe Returned status code is OK Passed
SAe2 A globally unique username, a valid email and a valid password AuthController.register Returned status code is OK, and the newly created user is able to log in Passed
SAe3 An admin, a globally unique username, a valid email and a valid password AuthController.register Returned status code is OK, and the newly created user is able to log in Passed
SAe4 An admin and a user AuthController.register Returned status code is OK, and only the admin registered by the admin is created Passed
SAo1, SAo1.1 A user Every endpoint Returned status code is OK if the user performs a valid action Passed
SAo2, SAo2.1 An admin Every endpoint Returned status code is OK if the admin performs a valid action Passed
SAu1, SAu2 An admin and a user Every endpoint The performed activities by both the users and admins can be seen in the log files Passed

*Some of the requirements cannot be tested purely by end-to-end tests:

  • SI6: Log files cannot be modified through the defined endpoints.
  • SAv2 is satisfied by having physical access to the server.


In conclusion all the requirements defined during the design phase are covered. As performing the above described end-to-end tests did not reveal any shortcomings of the server, we concluded (assuming the tests are correct) that the server satisfies all of our functional- and security requirements.

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