learn kuberneteswith soumilshah
------------------------- Watch ----------------------------------
Beginners | Learning Kubernetes in Easy way | Theory |#1
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_-lsO1ZIQE&list=PLL2hlSFBmWwx9pdmBesD0fr3e-_aJlYBa&index=1&t=68s
Beginners | Learning Kubernetes in Easy way | Commands and Deploying the Dashboard UI |#2
Install Docker Desktop
Step 1:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.0.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
Step2: generate Token
kubectl describe secret -n kube-system
Step 3: Start Webserver
kubectl proxy
Step 4: Go to Dashboard
kubectl get pods
kubectl get all
kubectl run my-ngnix --image=ngnix:alpine
kubectl delete pod my-ngnix
Title : Beginners | Learning Kubernetes in Easy way | Probes | Livebness Probe with Demo |#3
Beginners | Learning Kubernetes in Easy way | Replicas Set |#4
kubectl get rs
kubectl delete rs XXXXX
kubectl delete -f deployment.yml
kubectl delete deployment XXXX
kubectl scale --replicas=30 -f deployment.yaml ## Scale up
kubectl scale --replicas=1 -f deployment.yaml ## Scale down
# Metrics Server Debugging commands
kubectl -n kube-system get pods
kubectl -n kube-system describe pod XXXXX
kubectl -n kube-system edit deploy pods
# Get Resources
kubectl get hpa
kubectl delete hpa XXX
# Manually Auto Scale through command Line
kubectl autoscale deployment appdeploy --cpu-percent=20 --min=1 --max=10
- Beginners | What is Helm in Kubernetes how to Install | Hello World Demo
helm create first-app
helm template first-app first-app --debug
helm install first-app first-app
helm list
helm upgrade first-app first-app --values ./first-app/values.yaml
helm delete first-app
Beginners | Learning Kubernetes in Easy way | Probes | Livebness Probe with Demo |#3
Title: Learning kubernetes in a easy way crash course beginner | Intro Video
Title: Getting started with Kubernetes Crash Course in 45 Minutes for Beginner
Title: Production ready architecture with external and internal Load balancing with Kubernetes | Python
------------------------- Connect With Me ----------------------------------
Website : https://soumilshah.herokuapp.com
Github : https://github.com/soumilshah1995
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/shah-soumil/
Blog : https://soumilshah1995.blogspot.com/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_eOodxvwS_H7x2uLQa-svw?view_as=subscriber
Donate Me : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/soumilshah1995