An open source school dismissal application. Deployed to Heroku
The purpose of this project to help solve congestion issues with general school dismissals.
In an earlier group project, my team and I set out to tackle this very issue. We came up with Dismissed, a school dismissal manager. However, that previous project didn't completely solve the issue at hand. One goal it did achieve was that it eliminated the need to have teachers outside manually entering in names, the parents did that.
Unfortunately, it did not solve the congestion issue. So, this will be a complete redesign from the ground up with a more focused aim on solving the congestion issue.
- React
- Redux
- JavaScript ES6
- Express
- Nodejs
- Passport
- Bcrypt
- Reactstrap
- Validator
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- Axios
An elementary charter school of 600+ students sits on a cramp campus with two other schools with just as many students. With no buses, dismissal is a mess and the congestion backs up for miles.
- A group messaging app that will remain unnamed.
- Teachers and admins stand outside in the elements, whether hot, cold, raining, and/or snowing, and type in every single name.
- tiresome
- time-consuming
- redundant
- burns through cell phones
- Sometimes parents are there to pickup more than one student which causes confusion and even more typing.
- Teachers and admins stand outside in the elements, whether hot, cold, raining, and/or snowing, and type in every single name.
- TDD - I cannot stress this enough.
- Different UI
- More in-depth components
- Maybe Chat, or more so one-way communication from teacher to parent.
- Maybe split the app in 2
- implement unit testing
- validate the token in your server-side logic by using something like express-jwt, koa-jwt, Owin Bearer JWT, etc.