Produced and tested by: Joseph Chen, Nicholas Moon, Arjun Deopujari
Configure a TM4C123 Arm Cortex-M MCU to display random numbers on an LCD peripheral based on processed data from an on-chip accelerometer. This is called a digital dice because the MCU can be embedded within a cube and be rolled on the ground. The accelerometer data produced from the roll will generate a random number on the screen in a smilar fashion to how rolling a dice on the ground would produce a random number (number of dots on the side facing up).
- makes use of an embedded OS consisting of a thread scheduler which operates in
a round-robin fashion (threads can also yield their time by going to sleep).
- uses a producer thread which enqueues data to a FIFO
data structure (accelerometer data).
- uses a consumer threads which dequeues and performs some simple DSP filtering
on the data (noise removal) and then inputs the data into a pseudorandom generator
which then prints this new random number to the screen.
- make use of one semaphore `LCDFree` which secures a thread's ownership of write
access to the on-board LCD peripheral screen.