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This tool has been written to address the need to query MineMeld for a specific IP address to know if it matches a MineMeld list. The agent is also able to handle custom lists of IPs/FQDNs

Use Case

This tool has been used in conjunction with an Application Firewall with HTTP Callout capabilities. The AppFirewall queries the tool to know if the Source Public IP of a specific call is one of the Microsoft IP in the list provided by Minemeld. This is useful in cases where you cannot filter a NAT/Firewall Rules because it holds different services

Source Code Composition

  • Loader: this loads a urls.json file containing a list of URL to fetch
  • Fetcher: this takes URLs from Loader and fetch lists
  • Validator: this validate response from various endpoints
  • Parser: this parse URL List into a golang object
  • Checker: this checks if a given IP/FQDN is in a MineMeld list
  • WebServer: this exposes routines through API

WebServer API

GET /api/v1/check-ipv4/{ipv4-address}
> Query used to know if an ipv4 address is in one of the urls.json file lists

GET /api/v1/check-ipv6/{ipv6-address}
> Query used to know if an ipv6 address is in one of the urls.json file lists

GET /api/v1/check-fqdn/{fqdn-address}
> Query used to know if a fqdn address is in one of the urls.json file lists

GET /api/v1/check-ipv4/{ipv4-address/{anchor}
> Query used to know if an ipv4 address is in one of the urls.json file lists with the given anchor

GET /api/v1/check-ipv6/{ipv6-address}/{anchor}
> Query used to know if an ipv6 address is in one of the urls.json file lists with the given anchor

GET /api/v1/check-fqdn/{fqdn-address}/{anchor}
> Query used to know if a fqdn address is in one of the urls.json file lists with the given anchor

GET /api/v1/get-anchor-list
> Query used to get a list of all the anchor defined in the urls.json file


To get the tool you need golang

root@localhost:> go version
go version go1.12.5 darwin/amd64

You can download MineMeld-Agent with the command

root@localhost:> go get

Go inside MineMeld-Agent folder and compile it

root@localhost:> go build

And you're ready to go!

MineMeld-Agent can run on any machine capable of running golang, just make sure URLs in the urls.json file are resolvable (if you're using FQDN) and to use the -fetch-insecure flag if the endpoint does not provide a valid certificate.

By default MineMeld-Agent logs to stdout so you can check that everything is working file. You can than redirect logs to your preferred file with the -log-output flag


Endpoint must be written in the urls.json (or in a custom JSON file) in the format of

        "type": "ipv4",
        "endpoint": "",
        "description": "MineMeld IPv4 feed for Office365",
        "anchor": "microsoft"
        "type": "ipv6",
        "endpoint": "",
        "description": "MineMeld IPv6 feed for Office365",
        "anchor": "microsoft"

type and endpoint are required fields

Valid Entpoint types are:

  • ipv4
  • ipv6
  • fqdn

Any other type will throw an error

URL Fetch

By design fetch is done for every Endpoint, every 10 seconds

Custom Lists

You can add your own lists to the agent. To add a list compile the urls.json file with the endpoint url

  "type": "ipv4",
  "endpoint": "http://my.custome.endpoint/ip-list.html",
  "description": "Custom List",
  "anchor": "custom-ipv4-list"

To add a network range you can use the following syntax:


To add a single IP you can use the following syntax:


FQDN supports wildcards, also note that FQDN comparsion is done by regulare expression

  • *


Anchor is used to create a label for all the IP/FQDN in a specific list You can query MineMeld-Agent for a specific Anchor

If a list is defined with an anchor like microsoft you can query like this

root@localhost:> curl
Address is not in microsoft list

If you query without an anchor, the match is done against any list of that type

root@localhost:> curl
Address is not in list


The GET call to /api/v1/get-anchor-list can be used to obtain a list of all the anchor currently loaded from the urls.json file

root@localhost:> curl
["microsoft", "custom-ipv4-list"]


Usage of minemeld-agent:
        Set to true to ignore certificate errors while fetching MineMeld URLs
        Set to false to turn off colored log output (default true)
        Set true to print debug message
  -log-output string
        Set the output interface for log
  -url-file string
        PATH of the JSON file containing urls. (default "urls.json")
  -webserver-port int
        Specify port for WebServer (default 9000)

Work in Progress

  • IPv6 Address check is not implemented yet


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