This tool has been written to address the need to query MineMeld for a specific IP address to know if it matches a MineMeld list. The agent is also able to handle custom lists of IPs/FQDNs
This tool has been used in conjunction with an Application Firewall with HTTP Callout capabilities. The AppFirewall queries the tool to know if the Source Public IP of a specific call is one of the Microsoft IP in the list provided by Minemeld. This is useful in cases where you cannot filter a NAT/Firewall Rules because it holds different services
- Loader: this loads a urls.json file containing a list of URL to fetch
- Fetcher: this takes URLs from Loader and fetch lists
- Validator: this validate response from various endpoints
- Parser: this parse URL List into a golang object
- Checker: this checks if a given IP/FQDN is in a MineMeld list
- WebServer: this exposes routines through API
GET /api/v1/check-ipv4/{ipv4-address}
> Query used to know if an ipv4 address is in one of the urls.json file lists
GET /api/v1/check-ipv6/{ipv6-address}
> Query used to know if an ipv6 address is in one of the urls.json file lists
GET /api/v1/check-fqdn/{fqdn-address}
> Query used to know if a fqdn address is in one of the urls.json file lists
GET /api/v1/check-ipv4/{ipv4-address/{anchor}
> Query used to know if an ipv4 address is in one of the urls.json file lists with the given anchor
GET /api/v1/check-ipv6/{ipv6-address}/{anchor}
> Query used to know if an ipv6 address is in one of the urls.json file lists with the given anchor
GET /api/v1/check-fqdn/{fqdn-address}/{anchor}
> Query used to know if a fqdn address is in one of the urls.json file lists with the given anchor
GET /api/v1/get-anchor-list
> Query used to get a list of all the anchor defined in the urls.json file
To get the tool you need golang
root@localhost:> go version
go version go1.12.5 darwin/amd64
You can download MineMeld-Agent with the command
root@localhost:> go get
Go inside MineMeld-Agent folder and compile it
root@localhost:> go build
And you're ready to go!
MineMeld-Agent can run on any machine capable of running golang, just make sure URLs in the urls.json file are resolvable (if you're using FQDN) and to use the -fetch-insecure
flag if the endpoint does not provide a valid certificate.
By default MineMeld-Agent logs to stdout so you can check that everything is working file.
You can than redirect logs to your preferred file with the -log-output
Endpoint must be written in the urls.json (or in a custom JSON file) in the format of
"type": "ipv4",
"endpoint": "",
"description": "MineMeld IPv4 feed for Office365",
"anchor": "microsoft"
"type": "ipv6",
"endpoint": "",
"description": "MineMeld IPv6 feed for Office365",
"anchor": "microsoft"
and endpoint
are required fields
Valid Entpoint types are:
- ipv4
- ipv6
- fqdn
Any other type will throw an error
By design fetch is done for every Endpoint, every 10 seconds
You can add your own lists to the agent. To add a list compile the urls.json file with the endpoint url
"type": "ipv4",
"endpoint": "http://my.custome.endpoint/ip-list.html",
"description": "Custom List",
"anchor": "custom-ipv4-list"
To add a network range you can use the following syntax:
To add a single IP you can use the following syntax:
FQDN supports wildcards, also note that FQDN comparsion is done by regulare expression
- *
Anchor is used to create a label for all the IP/FQDN in a specific list You can query MineMeld-Agent for a specific Anchor
If a list is defined with an anchor like microsoft
you can query like this
root@localhost:> curl
Address is not in microsoft list
If you query without an anchor, the match is done against any list of that type
root@localhost:> curl
Address is not in list
call to /api/v1/get-anchor-list
can be used to obtain a list of all the anchor currently loaded from the urls.json file
root@localhost:> curl
["microsoft", "custom-ipv4-list"]
Usage of minemeld-agent:
Set to true to ignore certificate errors while fetching MineMeld URLs
Set to false to turn off colored log output (default true)
Set true to print debug message
-log-output string
Set the output interface for log
-url-file string
PATH of the JSON file containing urls. (default "urls.json")
-webserver-port int
Specify port for WebServer (default 9000)
- IPv6 Address check is not implemented yet