A minimalist and partial IMAP client in native Clojure.
- Does not rely on javax.mail
- Supports Gmail IMAP extensions (X-GM-RAW search, X-GM-THRID thread IDs, X-GM-MSGID message IDs)
- Supports fetching messages without their attachments
- Clojure-mail is a nice library but it uses javax.mail. As a consequence it does not support Gmail extensions (extended search, threads...) and (to my knowledge) does not support fetching messages without their attachments.
- gmail-clj is a wrapper for the new Gmail API (not IMAP). So obviously it only works with Gmail.
[minimap "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
(:require [minimap.core :as minimap])
(def session (minimap/login :gmail "[email protected]" "password"))
(minimap/search session {:gmail "in:mylabel mysearchquery"})
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.