A plugin for dotCMS that adds a viewtool enabling the use of MaxMind's (http://www.maxmind.com/) Java based GeoIP2 API (https://github.com/maxmind/GeoIP2-java) and databases for geolocation functionality. The plugin will support both GeoLite2 City and the downloaded paid database versions. You can download the GeoLite2 databases for free at http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/.
- Add a text host vairiable called "Maxmind DB Filename" (maxmindDbFilename)
- Download the Maxmind GeoLite2 City or Paid City Database and put it in your assets directory
- See the note below about updating your maxmind database automatically
- On your Default Host set the value of the field to the name of the file you placed in your assets directory
- Navigate to the dotCMS Dynamic plugins page: "System" > "Dynamic Plugins"
- Click on "Upload plugin" and select the .jar file located in the "build/jar/" folder
dotCMS 5x. See previous releases for older versions.
As MaxMind occasionally updates their location databases, you may find it helpful to set up a process to automatically pull fresh copies of the database rather than doing it manually. MaxMind provides instructions for setting up a cron job using a license key to automate that process at http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoipupdate/. This works for both paid and lite versions of the database.
#set($ip = "")
##set($ip = $session.getAttribute("clickstream").remoteAddress)
#set($loc = $geoip.getLocation($ip))
#set($loc2 = $geoip.getLocation(''))
## If you have two Location Objects you can get the distance using the Location Objects:
<p>Distance between ${esc.d}loc and ${esc.d}loc2 = ${geoip.distance($loc, $loc2)} miles</p>
## If you have one Location Object and a set of lat,long for a second location you can get the distance using the viewtool helper method:
<p>Distance between ${esc.d}loc and ${esc.d}loc2 =
$loc2.getLocation().getLongitude())} miles</p>
## If you have two sets of lat,long you can use the viewtool helper method as well:
<p>Distance between ${esc.d}loc and ${esc.d}loc2 =
$loc2.getLocation().getLongitude())} miles</p>
- Install Gradle (if not already installed)
- gradle jar