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[ICLR 2024] Official implementation of "Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis from a Video"


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Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis

ICLR 2024

Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis from a Video, ICLR 2024.
Xiaoming Zhao, Alex Colburn, Fangchang Ma, Miguel Ángel Bautista, Joshua M Susskind, and Alexander G. Schwing.

Table of Contents

Environment Setup

This code has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with CUDA 11.8 on NVIDIA A100-SXM4-80GB GPU (driver 470.82.01).

We recommend using conda for virtual environment control and libmamba for a faster dependency check.

# setup libmamba
conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver -y
conda config --set solver libmamba

# create virtual environment
conda env create -f envs/pgdvs.yaml

conda activate pgdvs
conda install pytorch3d=0.7.4 -c pytorch3d -y

[optional] Run the following to install JAX if you want to

  1. try TAPIR
  2. evaluate with metrics computation from DyCheck
conda activate pgdvs
pip install -r envs/requirements_jax.txt --verbose

To check that JAX is installed correctly, run the following. NOTE: the first import torch is important since it will make sure that JAX finds the cuDNN installed by conda.

conda activate pgdvs
python -c "import torch; from jax import random; key = random.PRNGKey(0); x = random.normal(key, (10,)); print(x)"

Try PGDVS on Video in the Wild

Download Checkpoints

# this environment variable is used for demonstration
cd /path/to/this/repo

Since we use third parties's pretrained models, we provide two ways to download them:

  1. Directly download from those official repositories;
  2. Download from our copy for reproducing results in the paper just in case those official repositories's checkpoints are modified in the future.
FLAG_ORIGINAL=1  # set to 0 if you want to download from our copy
bash ${PGDVS_ROOT}/scripts/ ${PGDVS_ROOT}/ckpts ${FLAG_ORIGINAL}

Example of DAVIS

We use DAVIS as an example to illustrate how to render novel view from monocular videos in the wild. Please see for details.


Please see and for details about reproducing results on NVIDIA Dynamic Scenes and DyCheck's iPhone Dataset in the paper.


Xiaoming Zhao, Alex Colburn, Fangchang Ma, Miguel Ángel Bautista, Joshua M Susskind, and Alexander G. Schwing. Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis from a Video. ICLR 2024.

  title={{Pseudo-Generalized Dynamic View Synthesis from a Video}},
  author={Xiaoming Zhao and Alex Colburn and Fangchang Ma and Miguel Angel Bautista and Joshua M. Susskind and Alexander G. Schwing},


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