JNI Header Wrapper a lightweight alternative to JNA or JNR and a helper to resolve a native lib by name and libtool version.
Unlike JNR or JNA
- all macro constants are natively resolved.
- all structures will be natively allocated and its filed natively accessed. StructTermios in Termios.java and the jni bindings Termios_Termios.c and TermiosDefines.c and TermiosFunctions.c . Struct termios varies over the OS and even on Linux on different architectures like (i.e. mips is different from the rest).
- different sizes, alignments and offset of struct members are handled natively like stuct mcontext_t Tests testAlignOfMcontext_t testSizeOfMcontext_t in SignalTest.java. Examples for struct and union and function pointer are in teh exaples modules.
- it does not use sun.misc.Unsafe but allocate the memory by itself.
- callbacks from and calls of native functions are supported Callback_I_V_Impl.java, and its counterpart CallNative_J_V.java, and their common ancestor FunctionPtr_I_V.java.
A running "real life" comparison can be found here: JNHW-Example: Compare JNHW, JNR, JNA.
Add this dependency for POSIX.
and this for the Windows API
If an native error occured and the called function flags an error condition to the caller. One calls for ISO C errno and for the windows API GetLastError(). this is done in the jni wrapper which throws the checked exception NativeErrorException in that case.
Test Platform | VM version | Hotspot VM (Java Foreign) | Zero VM (Java Foreign) | Hotspot VM (JNI) | Zero VM (JNI) |
aarch64-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-27 | success 2023-01-27 | crashed 2023-01-27 |
arm-linux-gnueabihf | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
i386-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
mipsel-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
mips64el-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-27 | n.a. 2023-01-27 | n.a. 2023-01-27 | |
powerpc-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | crashed 2023-01-26 |
powerpc64le-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
riscv64-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
s390x-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
x86_64-apple-darwin | 19.0.1 | success 2023-01-27 | n.a. 2023-01-27 | success 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-27 |
x86_64-freebsd-bsd | 19.0.1 | success 2023-01-27 | n.a. 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-27 | n.a. 2023-01-26 |
x86_64-openbsd-bsd | 19.0.1 | no OpenJDK19 2023-01-27 | no OpenJDK19 2023-01-27 | no OpenJDK19 2023-01-27 | no OpenJDK19 2023-01-27 |
x86_64-linux-gnu | 19.0.1 | success 2023-01-26 | crashed 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 | success 2023-01-26 |
x86_64-windows-pe32+ | 19.0.1 | success 2023-01-26 | n.a. 2023-01-27 | success 2023-01-27 | zero n.a. 2023-01-27 |
n.a. ... the VM and/or feature are not available.
See subdirectory it/hello-world/.
run mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="de.ibapl.jnhw.it.hello_world.App"
in it/hello_world
Import Unistd in a static manner so the code may become less noisy.
package de.ibapl.jnhw.it.hello_world;
import de.ibapl.jnhw.NativeErrorException;
//Import only the needed define from the wrapper of posix's unistd.h.h
import static de.ibapl.jnhw.posix.Unistd.STDOUT_FILENO;
//Import only the needed method from the wrapper of iso c's unistd.h.h
import static de.ibapl.jnhw.posix.Unistd.write;
public class Posix {
public static void sayHello() throws NativeErrorException {
int bytesWritten = write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Hello World! from POSIX\n".getBytes());
System.out.println("Bytes written: " + bytesWritten);
package de.ibapl.jnhw.it.hello_world;
import de.ibapl.jnhw.NativeErrorException;
//Import only the needed define from the wrapper of processenv.h
import static de.ibapl.jnhw.winapi.Winbase.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE;
//Import only the needed method from the wrapper of processenv.h
import static de.ibapl.jnhw.winapi.ProcessEnv.GetStdHandle;
//Import only the needed method from the wrapper of fileapi.h
import static de.ibapl.jnhw.winapi.Fileapi.WriteFile;
public class Windows {
public static void sayHello() throws NativeErrorException {
int bytesWritten = WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), "Hello World! from WIN API\n".getBytes());
System.out.println("Bytes written: " + bytesWritten);
create a file named test.c and include the needed headers. run
gcc -dD -dI -E test.c | less
to see the preprocessed defines