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AnyCable-Go WebSocket Server

WebSocket server for AnyCable.

AnyCable Pro has been launched 🚀


Important Use the same major version of AnyCable-Go as your AnyCable gem. AnyCable-Go uses the same major version number (and minor version as well for 0.x series) as other libraries to indicate the compatibility.


The easiest way to install AnyCable-Go is to download a pre-compiled binary:

# Example for `anycable-go-linux-amd64`
curl -fsSL -o anycable-go
chmod +x anycable-go
./anycable-go -v

MacOS users could install it with Homebrew

brew install anycable-go

Arch Linux users can install anycable-go package from AUR.

Of course, you can install it from source too:

go install

For JavaScript projects, there is also an option to install AnyCable-Go via NPM:

npm install --save-dev @anycable/anycable-go
pnpm install --save-dev @anycable/anycable-go
yarn add --dev @anycable/anycable-go

# and run as follows
npx anycable-go


For instructions on how to upgrade to a newer version see upgrade notes.


See heroku-anycable-go buildpack.


Run server:

$ anycable-go

=> INFO 2020-02-05T08:44:57.684Z context=main Starting AnyCable 1.1.0

You can also provide configuration parameters through the corresponding environment variables (i.e. ANYCABLE_RPC_HOST, ANYCABLE_REDIS_URL, etc).

For more information about available options run anycable-go -h.

📑 Documentation


# first, prepare mruby (we embed it by default)
# NOTE: Might require running with sudo, since we build artifacts within a Go module
make prepare-mruby

# then build the Go binary (will be available in dist/anycable-go)

You can run tests with the following commands:

# Run Golang unit tests
make test

# Run once
make prepare

# Run integrations tests
make test-conformance

# Run integration benchmarks
go install
make benchmarks

We use golangci-lint to lint Go source code:

make lint


See available images here.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

Please, provide reproduction script (using this template) when submitting bugs if possible.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Security Contact

To report a security vulnerability, please contact us at [email protected]. We will coordinate the fix and disclosure.