Tic Tac Toe is an easy puzzle game that in the past helped me to learn new languages. More than 15 years ago, I started to learn and improve my knowledge of C++ and MFC, implementing Tic Tac Toe. That was the first version of the game. In the subsequent years other versions were made, in C# before and in javascript after.
Now it’s time for a new and revolutionary version, the Tic Tac Toe Enterprise, more complex and advanced, but mainly useful for me to learn new topics.
I take it for granted that this game is known, otherwise it's easy to find on Google something about it.
The following picture shows the GUI.
There are 3 sections:
Options (on the left): you have to insert a nickname (for example 'test'). When start buttons are enabled and you press one of them, you can train the agent, choosing a number of cycles (a good number could be 100000). It's possible also to train the agent more times (with cycles of 10000 each time) in order to see how better the agent plays against you for each training. You can also clear the agent.
Board (in the center): in the center of the screen there is the board of the game.
Statistics (on the right): shows the statistics of the training. The section is updated every time you train the agent.
The aim of the project is to use, learn and improve the following technologies:
- Angular + Redux
- node.js
- express.js
- Docker
Machine Learning
- Keras
- TensorFlow
- Python
The game is organized in the following projects:
- angular
- tictactoe
- agent
In the client folder there is a subfolder angular with the application. The project exposes the GUI for the human player.
In the server folder there are two projects:
- tictactoe is the project that exposes the web service, based on node and express. The clients call it to play tic tac toe.
- agent is the project that exposes the web service to manage the AI, written in python and based on tensorflow. tictactoe project call it to manage the next best move.
In the following picture there is a sequence diagram shows how any single user action is handled by the system.
The following requirements are needed to run the system. I list only the main components, I take for granted the boundary components.
- Node.js
- Python 3.6 (it's the version that I'm using)
- Tensorflow
If you want to run the system on containers
- Docker or Docker Toolbox (I'm using both based on which computer I'm working on)
Once you cloned or downloaded the project from github, you have to install all packages for each project. Follow these steps.
The following commands have to run under the folder client\angular through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
npm install
installs all dependencies
Now the client angular is ready to run.
Try it, typing the command defined in package.json
ng serve run:tic-tac-toe
The following commands have to run under the folder server\tictactoe through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
npm install
installs all dependencies
Now the tictactoe service is ready to run.
Try it, typing the command
npm start
The following commands have to run under the folder server\agent through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
pip install virtualenv
installs virtualenv package in order to create and use a virtual environment to work in
virtualenv env
creates the virtual folder env
activates the virtual environment
pip install -r agent/requirements.txt
installs in the virtual environment the packages listed in the requirements.txt file
Now the agent service is ready to run.
Try it, typing the command
python src\TicTacToeService.py
Each project has a test suite. Follow these steps to run them.
The following commands have to run under the folder client\angular through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
ng test
The following commands have to run under the folder server/tictactoe through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
npm test
for one cycle of test
npm test -- -w
for watching file changes
The following commands have to run under the folder server/agent through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
Create (if it doesn't exist) and activate the virtual folder (see Setup and Run the Agent)
python -m tests.entrypoint
NOTE: there is some problems with path imports for testing and running the agent. For testing it's necessary to change some imports.
Each project can run on a docker container.
After the installation of Docker, you can use many commands from cmd prompt to manage your images, containers, networks and all you want about Docker. I used only a subset of them. Here there is the list of docker commands that I learnt for working this project.
docker images
gets a list of images
docker ps
gets a list of containers
docker network ls
gets a list of networks
docker image build -t <<image_name:tag>> .
run in a path in which there is a Dockerfile, builds an image
docker run -p <<host_port:container_port>> <<image_name>>
runs a container from the specified image
host_port is the port accessible from the external Docker host
container_port is the port of the container
[External] <---host_port---> [Docker host] <---container_port---> [Container]
using -i flag the interactive mode is enabled, keeping the STDIN open even if not attached
using -t flag a console is open and together with -i the output goes to the console
The following commands have to run under the folder client\angular through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
build the angular application
ng build --prod
create the image
docker image build -t tictactoe-client .
run the container listen on port 4200
docker run -p 4200:80 --rm tictactoe-client
The following commands have to run under the folder server\tictactoe through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
create the image
docker build -t tictactoe .
run the container listen on the port 3000
docker run -p 3000:3000 -i -t tictactoe
The following commands have to run under the folder server\agent through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
create the image
docker build -t agent .
run the container listen on the port 8080
docker run -p 8080:8080 -i -t agent
In the folder root the docker-compose.yml file is present. In order to build and run all containers together, it's enough to follow these steps.
The following commands have to run under the folder root, where there is the docker-compose.yml, through a cmd prompt with administrative privileges.
Before all, remember to build the client (see Docker for the Client)
build images
docker-compose build
run containers
docker-compose up -d (-d flag used to detach and run containers in background)
stop containers
docker-compose down
In the following sections the are the references about the main topics. In each project there is a folder README in which it's possible to find other links and examples that I have taken note.
- https://blog.logrocket.com/a-quick-and-complete-guide-to-mocha-testing-d0e0ea09f09d
- https://scotch.io/tutorials/nodejs-tests-mocking-http-requests