A Symfony task that uses a bash script to upload on dropbox your databases
You must set in the bash script the pwd, user, host SQL
You must set the following parameters :
backup_db_dropbox_folder: /dropbox_folder
backup_db_prod_folder: /local_db_prod_folder
backup_db_dev_folder: /local_db_dev_folder
# the number of files you want to keep on dropbox and local for backup prod
backup_db_prod_filetokeep: 28
# the number of files you want to keep on dropbox and local for backup dev
backup_db_dev_filetokeep: 4
#list of db names you want to backup more often
backup_db_prod_databases: [DB_NAME_PROD1, DB_NAME_PROD2]
#list of db names you want to backup less often
backup_db_dev_databases: [DB_NAME_DEV1, DB_NAME_DEV2]
You can add the task as a cron such as :
0 0 1 * * php bin/console script:backup_db dev
0 */6 * * * php bin/console script:backup_db prod
Backup for prod are done every 6 hours
Backup for dev are done daily