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ROS2 GuiNode

Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Antmicro

GuiNode is a library for visualizing data from ROS2 topics and services. It provides tools for manipulating Widgets and data objects, which can be used for data visualization. The graphical user interface is implemented using the Vulkan API, GLFW3, and Dear ImGui libraries.

GUI node examples

Building the GuiNode

Project dependencies:

The GuiNode uses the colcon build system to build the project. First, you need to source the ROS2 environment, and then you can use the colcon command to build the project. You should replace <path_to_ros2_env> with the path to the ROS2 environment setup script (e.g. /opt/ros/setup.bash).

source <path_to_ros2_env>
cd <path_to_gui_node_repo>
colcon build

You can find the artifacts from the building stage in the install/ directory. They contain setup scripts for the GuiNode environment.

source install/local_setup.bash

Once the GuiNode environment is sourced, you can run the GuiNode sample using the ros2 launch command:

ros2 launch gui_node

For more information about the samples, go to the src/samples directory.

Widgets and RosData objects

GuiNode offers a number of pre-implemented Widgets which can be used to visualize the data. Widgets are responsible for creating the GUI elements and displaying the data.

The following Widgets are already implemented in the GuiNode:

  • VideoWidget - displays an image from the sensor_msgs::msg::Image message type.
  • StringWidget - displays the std::string data in a text box.
  • RosoutWidget - displays messages from the /rosout topic (the ROS2 logging topic) in table view.
  • DetectionWidget - displays an image from the sensor_msgs::msg::Image message type and draws bounding boxes.

Widgets are using RosData objects to get fresh data from topics or services. You should create the corresponding RosData object add it to the GuiNode before calling the gui_node->prepare() method.

The RosData objects are responsible for handling data from ROS2 topics or services.

Below is an example of how to add RosoutWidget to the GuiNode instance:

#include "gui_node/gui_node.hpp"
#include "gui_node/widget/widget_rosout.hpp"
#include "gui_node/ros_data/ros_subscriber_data.hpp"


gui_node_ptr = std::make_shared<GuiNode>(options, "gui_node");

// Creates a /rosout RosData subscriber
std::shared_ptr<RosRosoutSubscriberData> subscriber_rosout = std::make_shared<RosRosoutSubscriberData>(
    gui_node_ptr, "/rosout", [](const MsgRosoutSharedPtr msg) -> MsgRosoutSharedPtr { return msg; });
gui_node_ptr->addRosData("rosout_subscriber", subscriber_rosout);

// Adds a /rosout subscriber Widget to the Node
std::shared_ptr<RosoutWidget> rosout_widget =
    std::make_shared<RosoutWidget>(gui_node_ptr, "[Sub] /rosout logs", "rosout_subscriber", 10);
gui_node_ptr->addWidget("rosout_widget", rosout_widget);

// Prepare the GuiNode and start drawing the GUI
gui_node_ptr->prepare("Window name");


GuiNode offers the following set of implemented RosData objects:

  • RosPublisherData - publishes data to a ROS2 topic and saves the last published data.
  • RosSubscriberData - subscribes to a ROS2 topic and provides the last received data.
  • RosServiceServerData - provides a service server that saves data from the last processed request.
  • RosServiceClientData - provides a service client that can be used to send a request to the server and save data from the response.

For more information about RosData objects, see the include/gui_node/ros_data directory, and for more information about Widgets, see the include/gui_node/widget directory.

Implementing a Widget

You can create Widgets by inheriting the Widget class and implementing the draw method. GuiNode calls a Widget's draw method every frame and the Widget is responsible for displaying data and handling user input.

Creating a new Widget

In this section, you will see how to create a new Widget that displays a counter value and provides a button for incrementing it.

The obligatory parameters for the Widget constructor are:

  • gui_node - a GuiNode shared pointer that will be used for logging and accessing RosData objects;
  • window_name - the name of the Widget's window;
  • ros_data_name - a unique name of the RosData object that will be used to reference the object with data in the Widget objects during render.

A sample declaration of the CounterWidget class (the example can be found in include/gui_node/widget/widget_counter.hpp and src/gui_node/widget/widget_counter.cpp files):

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include <std_srvs/srv/trigger.hpp>

#include "gui_node/gui_node.hpp"
#include "gui_node/ros_data/ros_client_data.hpp"
#include "gui_node/widget/widget.hpp"

namespace gui_node

class CounterWidget : public Widget
    int counter = 0; ///< Counter value

    CounterWidget(std::shared_ptr<GuiNode> gui_node, const std::string &window_name, const std::string &ros_data_name)
        : Widget(gui_node, window_name, ros_data_name)

     * Draw the Widget
    void draw() override {
        // Get the data
        using RosCounterClientData = RosServiceClientData<std_srvs::srv::Trigger, std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response>;
        std::shared_ptr<RosCounterClientData> ros_data =
        if (ros_data->hasDataChanged())
            std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response response = ros_data->getData();
            if (response.success && response.message == "triggered")

        // Draw the Widget
        ImGui::SetWindowSize(ImVec2(200, 100), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver);
        ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - ImGui::CalcTextSize("Trigger").x) / 2);

        // If service is not available, disable the button
        if (ros_data->isServiceAvailable())
            if (ImGui::Button("Trigger"))
                // Make the request
                std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Request::SharedPtr request = std::make_shared<std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Request>();
            ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, (ImVec4)ImColor::HSV(0.0f, 0.6f, 0.6f));
            ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, (ImVec4)ImColor::HSV(0.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f));
            ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, (ImVec4)ImColor::HSV(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.8f));
        std::string counter_str = "Counter: " + std::to_string(counter);
        ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowWidth() - ImGui::CalcTextSize(counter_str.c_str()).x) / 2);
        ImGui::Text("%s", counter_str.c_str());

} // namespace gui_node

The overridden draw method is responsible for drawing the Widget and called by the GuiNode every time the drawing loop is executed. Usually, the draw method uses the getRosData method of the GuiNode to get the RosData object, and later visualizes data from it.

The GuiEngine class expects Widgets to be drew using the Dear ImGui library.

The draw method obtains the RosCounterClientData object from the GuiNode, and verifies if the data has changed since the last invocation of the draw method. If new data is available, the response is verified to be successful with counter value being incremented.

When the service is not available, the button is disabled. This happens to prevent the user from sending requests to the service server when it is not available, which would result in an error.

Adding the Widget to the sample node

The src/samples/ directory contains examples on how to implement the ROS2 component node and integrate it with the GuiNode. It can be used as a reference for creating new nodes.

In this section, the CounterWidget Widget is added to the src/samples/sample_gui_node.cpp file by following an example from the Widgets and RosData objects section:

#include <std_srvs/srv/trigger.hpp>
#include "gui_node/widget/widget_counter.hpp"


using RosCounterClientData = RosServiceClientData<std_srvs::srv::Trigger, std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response>;


SampleGuiComponent(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options)

    // Create a /counter RosData service client
    std::shared_ptr<RosCounterClientData> client_counter = std::make_shared<RosCounterClientData>(
        gui_node_ptr, "/counter",
        [](std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr response) -> std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr
        { return response; });
    gui_node_ptr->addRosData("counter_service", client_counter);

    // Create a counter Widget
    std::shared_ptr<CounterWidget> counter_widget =
        std::make_shared<CounterWidget>(gui_node_ptr, "[Client] Counter", "counter_service");
    gui_node_ptr->addWidget("counter_widget", counter_widget);

    gui_node_ptr->prepare("Sample GUI widgets");


This code creates a RosData service client object responsible for sending requests to the /counter service server and receiving responses. The CounterWidget object is created and added to the GuiNode using the addWidget method.

Without the /counter server, the increment button will be disabled. The corresponding service server is created in the src/samples/sample_publisher_node.cpp file, which is responsible for publishing data for the sample:

#include <std_srvs/srv/trigger.hpp>
#include "gui_node/ros_data/ros_server_data.hpp"


using RosCounterServerData = RosServiceServerData<std_srvs::srv::Trigger, std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr>;


SampleGuiComponent(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options)

    // Create the /counter RosData service server
    std::shared_ptr<RosCounterServerData> ros_server_data_ptr = std::make_shared<RosCounterServerData>(
    gui_node_ptr, "/counter",
    [](std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Request::SharedPtr request,
       std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr response) -> std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr
        response->success = true;
        response->message = "triggered";
        return response;
    gui_node_ptr->addRosData("counter_server", ros_server_data_ptr);


This code creates a RosData service server object which is responsible for receiving requests from the /counter service client and sending back responses.

Now, you can build and run the sample GUI node with the Widget working as expected:

source <path_to_ros2_env>
cd <path_to_gui_node_repo>
colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch gui_node

Code formatting

Formatting dependencies:

  • ament_uncrustify (ROS2 package)
  • clang-format
  • clang-tidy

The GuiNode uses the ament_clang_format and ament_clang_tidy packages to verify code formatting and lint the code. To run the lint checks, build the GuiNode and then use the colcon test command to run the lint checks.

source <path_to_ros2_env>
cd <path_to_gui_node_repo>
colcon build
colcon test
colcon test-result --all

In case of any lint errors, the colcon test-result command will print a list of files that contain errors. The ament_clang_format and ament_clang_tidy packages can be used to automatically fix formatting issues:

cd <path_to_gui_node_repo>
ament_clang_format --config .clang-format --reformat <path_to_files_or_directories>