This is xcode framework created to help developers when using Antideo's Email Validation and IP Health Check REST API. Antideo helps locating IP adresses, performs reputation (health) checks on both IP and email addresses.
github "antideo/xcode"
First import the framework.
import Antideo
Main helper class is called AAHelper
from Antideo Application Helper
and here is how to use it.
AAHelper.getIPInfo("") { (result, error) in
* IP address queried
result?.ip // -> @optional String
* Hostname for IP address
result?.host // -> @optional String
* ASN Organisation's name
result?.orgName // -> @optional String
* ASN (autonomous system number)
result?.asn // -> @optional String
* Date this ASN was assigned to the organisation
result?.asnAssigned // -> @optional NSDate
* The origination country of the organisation
result?.country // -> @optional String
* Issuing registry
result?.registry // -> @optional String
* Organisation category
result?.category // -> @optional String
- hosting
- education
- bank
- mobile
- government
- undefined
Please refer to IPInfoResult class for full and up-to-date property list.
AAHelper.getIPLocation("") { (result, error) in
* IP address for the location result
result?.ip // -> @optional String
* Latitude value from the Geolocation
result?.latitude // -> @optional Number
* Longitude value from the Geolocation
result?.longitude // -> @optional Number
* Accuracy level of returned location
* Number between 0 and 1000
result?.accuracy // -> @optional Number
* City of IP address
result?.city // -> @optional String
* Region of IP address
result?.region // -> @optional String
* Country of IP address
result?.country // -> @optional String
* Two letter ISO country code. Example: US (United States) or IE (Ireland)
result?.countryCode // -> @optional String
Please refer to IPLocationResult class for full and up-to-date property list.
AAHelper.getIPHealth("") { (result, error) in
* IP address for the health result
result?.ip // -> @optional String
* Indicates if IP is part of infected/hacked network, or
* is beeing used for ssh/brute force attacks etc.
result?.toxic // -> @optional Bool
* Holds proxy result values if clasified as proxy
result?.proxy // -> @optional AAProxyResult
* Holds spam result values if there is spam reports agains it.
result?.spam // -> @optional AAReportResult
Please refer to IPLocationResult class for full and up-to-date property list. See also
AAHelper.getEmailInfo("[email protected]") { (result, error) in
* Email address for the info result
result?.email // -> @optional String
* Indicates if email is from a free provider like GMail etc.
result?.freeProvider // -> @optional Bool
* Indicates if email is disposable/temporary
result?.disposable // -> @optional Bool
* Holds spam result values if there is spam reports agains it
result?.spam // -> @optional AAReportResult
* Holds scam result values if there is scam reports agains it
result?.scam // -> @optional AAReportResult
Please refer to EmailHealthResult class for full and up-to-date property list.
See also: AAReportResult
AAHelper.isValidEmail("[email protected]") // true
// validates either ipv4 or ipv6 addresses
AAHelper.isValidIPAddress("") // true
//validates only ipv4 addresses
AAHelper.isValidIPV4Address("") // true
// validates only ipv6 addresses
AAHelper.isValidIPV6Address("") // false