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gRPC vs REST Demos


This repo contains three full-stack monorepos demonstrating the REST and gRPC API architectural styles. See the README in each of the subprojects for instructions on how to run each demo.


Anthony D. Mays (@anthonydmays) - Twitter | LinkedIn | Github


The following is a description of the projects you can demo.

Project Description
rest-api-app Address book app built using a REST API built on Express and a Svelte fronted.
grpc-api-app Address book app built using a gRPC API.
grpc-rest-app Address book app built using a gRPC API with a REST endpoint using an Envoy reverse proxy.



These demos were presented at Hacking With The Homies Developer Conference (HWTHDC) 2023 by Anthony D. Mays in the session entitled "gRPC vs REST" on February 23, 2023.

This session was also sponsored by Brilliant Black Minds. Black engineers in the US can sign up now to get free mock technical interviews, free workshops, and a Discord community.