Piaf is a client library for the HTTP/1.X and HTTP/2 protocols written entirely in OCaml.
Piaf is released to OPAM.
You can depend on it by running opam install piaf
Note: make sure to mirror Piaf's own resolutions located in the opam file.
TODO, read the mli file for now.
open Piaf
let get_sync env ~sw url =
print_endline "Sending request...";
match Client.Oneshot.get ~sw env (Uri.of_string url) with
| Ok response ->
if Status.is_successful response.status
then Body.to_string response.body
let message = Status.to_string response.status in
Error (`Msg message)
| Error e -> failwith (Error.to_string e)
let () =
Eio_main.run (fun env ->
Eio.Switch.run (fun sw ->
match get_sync env ~sw "https://example.com" with
| Ok body -> print_endline body
| Error error ->
let message = Error.to_string error in
prerr_endline ("Error: " ^ message)))
There's a more substantive example of using Piaf's API in bin/carl.ml, an implementation of a subset of curl, in caml.
There's two ways to get a development environemnt up and running. If you have (or don't mind getting) nix
installed, the repository includes scripts to set up a sandbox. Otherwise you can use opam
to install the necessary dependencies globally.
Assuming nix
has been installed and set up, run nix develop -c $SHELL
in the repository root. Once it's done building, you should have the development environment set up!
For this approach you'll need to install opam
and set it up with a switch using ocaml
>= 4.08. Once that's done, run opam pin . --deps-only
to install the dependencies.
Note that this installs the dependencies globally, and that the development environment is dependent on the switch used.
Run dune build
to build, dune build --watch
to run a watcher daemon that will build incrementally.
Run dune exec examples/docs/readme.exe
to run the simple example above.
Run dune exec bin/carl.exe
to run carl
, the curl
-like example.
Copyright (c) 2019 António Nuno Monteiro
piaf is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE.
The vendor/multipart_form
directory contains a fork of
which is
licensed under the MIT License.
reproduces the original
license text.