This Package take Four Corner points postion of a color markerand publishes publishes X,Y,Z Position of Camera with w.r.t to global origin.
You have to Feed World points of marker corners w.r.t to global origin in Pose.cpp file You will need extenal web camp You also have to feed the camera calibration parameters in the Pose.cpp file.
For running this package you have to keep this package in src folder of your catkin_package
start typing folowing commands in terminal:
$ roscore
In new terminal first go in your catkin workspace directory and enter following commands
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ cd catkin_make localization_fira
$ roslaunch localization_fira uvcCameraLaunch.launch
In the new terminal type ( remember to be in same directory)
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun localization_fira localization_fira