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Gavin Zhao edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to angular_components from the AngularDart community! The main purpose of this repository is to migrate angular_components to null safety, making it compatible with the latest angular. If you're wondering what the heck AngularDart is and what it has to do with AngularTS, check out the documentation site.

From now on, we will refer AngularDart as "Angular". We will explicitly say AngularTS when we mean it.

So, without further ado, here's our plan and how the repository is structured:


  • master: this is not actually used.
  • compatible: where work is done to make sure angular_components is compatible with the latest Angular v7. The project board is here. compatible gets merged into null-safety branch frequently, and after it is complete, it will be merged into the master branch.
  • null-safety: where migration to null safety happens. The Project board can be found here. Because (as of the current state), null safety migration will be done by hand and we don't need to touch any part that is causing incompatibility, the compatible branch will continuously merge into null-safety to prevent a merge hell in the end.
  • main: the contents of the code is the same as null-safety, but it's the renamed version and uses the forked ngdart. This will soon be the default branch.
  • dev: this is a fast-track migration, mainly contributed by @dukefirehawk, to get examples running and then fix broken UI issues one by one (Not all are fixed). It is the basis for null-safety and you can try it out now as a pre-release pub package here:
  • rest of the branches: mostly stale, kept for legacy reasons.

Hence, compatible will be first merged into master to ensure we have usable angular_components, and after some hard work, null-safety will then be merged into master so that Angular devs can enjoy sound null safety!


Our first priority is ensuring that angular_components is compatible with the latest Angular v7. See issues labeled compatible, and pick one (or usually, part of it) up! No contribution is too small, and all great projects are built from small commits!


Issue #35 tracks this progress.

You are still welcome to migrate the code! Every commit to compatible will get merged into null-safety. So, as long as you frequently pull in the latest changes from your fork, the chances of you doing redundant work are pretty small, though not zero.

Currently, there's a helper script that tells you how many files have been migrated (i.e. passed static analysis) and the location of those that still need some work. Run dart run grinder to use it!

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