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A Rails app for managing design tokens and streaming updates to subscribing clients

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Tokenhost 3000 is a prototype of a web app that lets you edit and stream design tokens (styles) in real time to the project you’re working on.

The fastest way to check out this project is to deploy Tokenhost 3000 to Heroku, and play with the demo included with the project. The demo gives you a bunch of pre-defined tokens and a sample project Superhero Cards for previewing token updates.

Overall, though, it works like this:

  1. Come up with a set of design tokens for a project you’re working on. “Design tokens” means styling properties like text sizes, colors, or spacing values.
  2. Start building your project using those design tokens.
  3. Instead of tweaking the design tokens directly inside your project’s codebase, deploy the project and connect it to Tokenhost 3000.
  4. Now, tweak the values of your design tokens in Tokenhost 3000, and watch the changes be applied to your deployed project in real time.

GIF of the Tokenhost 3000 home page

Play with the live demo

  • Deploy Tokenhost 3000 to Heroku.
  • Open the deployed project, and click the Try Demo button. A Space will be created for you with 3 sample Lists of tokens. Lists are like themes.
  • Click on the “Example: Dark” list on the Space page to go to the details of that list.
  • You should see a List page with a bunch of tokens already created.
  • Under the name of the List, there’s a “Preview Project” link. Open this link in a new browser window.
  • You should see a “Superhero Cards” project page. This is a made up project you can use to preview how updating the tokens works. Normally, this would be your own project you’re working on.
  • Go back to the browser tab with your list of tokens. Under Colors, find the color-interactive-primary and click Edit.
  • Change the value from purple to red and click the Update Color button.
  • The change you just made should be immediately applied to the Superhero Cards preview project!
  • Superhero Cards has a button in the bottom right corner. Click on it, and change which List of tokens should be applied to the page!
  • You can create your own Lists, Categories of tokens, and Tokens. All Lists in your Space will be listed in that bottom right corner area of your project.

Spaces in the demo self-destruct after 24 hours.

GIF of the Tokenhost 3000 demo

Why did you build this?

For a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to design, build, and ship a bigger project after finishing Launch School, a mastery-based curriculum focusing on programming fundamentals. Shipping the whole thing took about 7 weeks from start to finish.
  2. I wanted to see what it would feel like if you decoupled styling details from the codebase, and let designers do the styling in real time on a deployed project instead of working in siloed design tools.

Tech stack

  • The web app for editing design tokens is built with Ruby on Rails 6.
  • Every time you edit a design token, a new CSS stylesheet is generated for your list of tokens and stored in an AWS S3 bucket. You can link directly to this stylesheet from your project’s code.
  • Tokens are streamed from the web app to your project with WebSockets.
    • The broadcasting is done with Rails Action Cable.
    • Your project subscribes to design token updates with the Tokenhost 3000 JavaScript widget. Follow the instructions in the web app on how to set this up.
    • The Tokenhost 3000 widget loaded in your project caches the tokens in your browser’s Local Storage, so you can still test out different lists of tokens (themes) even if you’re offline.

Read the case study below if you’d like to learn more about this project!

Running Tokenhost 3000 locally on your machine

To make sure everything runs smoothly, install the following on your machine first:

  • Node.js 14.x
  • Ruby 2.7.6
  • Yarn 1.22.19
  • Postgres 14

Now, clone the repo, cd into your repo’s directory, and run the following commands:

# Install Ruby gems specified in /Gemfile
bundle install
# Install Node packages specified in /package.json
yarn install
# Set up a local Postgres database
bin/rails db:setup

If everything went right, you should now be able to start a local dev server with rails:

bin/rails server

Deploying to Heroku

Things you’ll need to deploy to Heroku:

  • Credentials for accessing an AWS S3 bucket. This S3 bucket will be used for stylesheets generated for each List of tokens.
  • A Heroku account. Please note that Heroku no longer offers free plans. But you should be able to deploy this app with some cheap plan prorated to the second. It shouldn’t cost more than a couple of bucks.

Click the Deploy to Heroku button below to deploy without having to do any manual configuration:


Deploying manually will take more work. Here are some pointers:

  • Download the Heroku CLI, and log in.
  • Tell Heroku to use the node field in package.json by adding a Node.js buildpack:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/nodejs
  • This will overwrite the default heroku/ruby buildpack, so add it again:
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby
  • Provision the Heroku Postgres add-on; this will set a DATABASE_URL config variable in Heroku, and the Rails app will use it to connect to the database.
  • Provision the Heroku Data for Redis add-on; this will set a REDIS_URL config variable in Heroku used by the Rails app.
  • Create an AWS S3 bucket, then add the following config vars to your Heroku app:
  • Set BASICAUTH_USER and BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD if you’d like to test out the protected admin routes, like listing all of the _Spaces generated for all the people who clicked “Try Demo”.

Case Study

Below is the original case study I wrote right after I finished working on this prototype:

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Design Tokens
  3. Current Solutions
  4. Design goals
  5. Implementation
  6. Challenges
  7. Future
  8. References

1. Introduction

Main idea

It should not take weeks to update the color of a single button.

Wouldn’t it be great if designers could test the styling of a product by themselves, in real time?


I envy designers working with physical materials. They know the material they work with, and manipulate it directly. As they experiment with the material, they immediately see what works and what doesn’t.

But as the complexity of what is being designed grows, that direct contact with the product frequently goes away. People take on smaller, specialized roles, and work together to produce the final result.

As a product designer, I’ve been in that latter camp a lot.

But as I invested more time into learning programming, I was impressed by how much order there was to some seemingly complex parts. Programmers were presented with a lot of power coming from tools, packages, and plugins, all of these things worked together nicely. As long as you follow a bunch of rules, you get a lot of capability and retain control over the thing.

I really liked that. A perfect example was the Rack interface. Rack lets frameworks and web servers work together easily as long as they follow some basic rules set by Rack.

I wanted to see what it would feel like to be able to edit the fundamental properties of a design at runtime. I wanted to see how that would affect my design process.


Tokenhost 3000 lets you do these things:

  • create a space, which will keep your lists of tokens for 48 hours
  • create lists of tokens. For example, a Light Theme and a Dark Theme
  • create design tokens with arbitrary names and values
  • assign tokens to categories so they are easier to organize
  • choose a token type — like Color, or Spacing — to visualize the value of the token
  • preview your tokens by adding the Tokenhost 3000 JavaScript widget to whatever you are working on
  • switch between lists of tokens with the Tokenhost 3000 JavaScript widget
  • see your project’s styles change in real time as you update the tokens
  • access and manipulate your tokens through an API
  • you can also directly access a generated CSS file for a specific list of tokens you define

2. Design Tokens

What’s a design token, anyway?

A design token lets you give a name and a value to something that gets repeated in your product a lot.

Imagine you want all the buttons on your website to be orange. You don’t want to repeat yourself over and over when building the thing. You’ll want to define that particular orange somewhere, and refer to that value by some name instead.

For example, you could have a token named “Color — Brand” with a value of “Orange”. Or, you could define a token named “Spacing — Large” and give it a value of “32”.

This is helpful because once you decide you want all buttons to be pink from now on, all you need to do is change your “Color — Brand” token from “Orange” to “Pink”. If done right, this saves you time and lets you focus on the experience of using your product.

How design tokens are used

Having a bunch of values that everyone agrees to use leads to consistency and harmony across the product. It also forces people to think about systems, and not individual screens or flows. You have an inventory of styles and values that both designers and engineers agree to use, which is nice.

Big companies with big products will sometimes publish their design systems and the design tokens they use in those systems.

The 4 stages of working with tokens

Obviously there are many ways to slice this cake, but I like to visualize working with tokens using these 4 stages.


You figure out what tokens you think your product should have. You may come up with a set of colors, and a set of spacing values you’d like to reuse throughout the product.

Tokens are not limited to visual styles. You could define a default animation curve that should be used in your product, and then store that as a token.


Once you’ve decided on a set of tokens you want to use, you need to store and look at them somewhere.

This depends on your tools. You could store your styles in a Figma or Sketch library. You could define your tokens in Zeplin. Or, you could document your tokens in a team wiki.


You’ve now defined your tokens and you’re storing them somewhere. Next, those tokens need to be communicated to all the people actually building the software.

Let’s say you change your “Brand Color” token. How will the engineers be notified of this?

This could be as easy as tapping your team mate on their shoulder, or messaging on Slack. Or maybe they will get a Zeplin notification. Or maybe you have a more complex process where those changes reach the codebase directly.


How are the tokens applied in the end? Are the values defined by designers interpreted and translated by engineers? Or are they used directly?

Are all the tokens sufficient to build an interface? Or do engineers need to create derivates of the tokens to get things done?

3. Current Solutions

I can’t think of any solution that delivers on the promise of being able to edit a set of design tokens and see them applied to the real product in real time. But there are some products out there that do one or several of the things mentioned above.

Figma, Sketch, Framer

These tools are great at the authoring and management stages. But, they don’t necessarily provide low-barrier ways to deploy whatever you create in a living product.


Zeplin is strong when it comes to management and distribution. It takes what you create in Figma or Sketch and presents it in a more accessible way to engineers.

You can define your style guide here, and you can link your real UI components to the designs. This is a step forward.

However, the conversion of designs your tool of choice is not lossless. You can’t resize any elements imported into Zeplin. The engineers are still forced to interpret the details of a design.

4. Design goals

Real time

My goal for this project was to create software that would let you edit your design tokens and see them immediately applied to your product. Being able to immediately see how the changes you make affect the product means you can make better informed decisions more quickly.

A design tool like Figma lets you define a library of styles and components. Whenever you update that library, all of the changes will be applied to all the designs that make use of that library. I wanted to achieve the same effect, but the changes you’d make to your “library” of design tokens would be applied to the product at runtime.

System-first, not screen-first

Most design tools give you an infinite canvas upon which you draw rectangles. Those rectangles are representations of different pages or screens in your product.

This canvas is very flexible. You have unlimited options. Yes, you can use the styles in your library to limit yourself. But there’s nothing stopping you from not using the styles in the library.

I wanted to flip that around and see what happens when you take the canvas away. The library would be the only thing you could change in this demo.

Easy to try

People be busy. I didn’t want to force people to create a whole new project just to see what I was trying to say.

So this demo would need to provide a way to access some sort of sample tokens and perhaps a sample project, so you could play around with it and get the concept.

5. Implementation

This section describes the technical solutions I chose to manage, store, and deliver tokens to clients.

Managing tokens with a web app

Tokenhost 3000 offers a web interface that lets you manage your tokens. It’s a Rails app running on Heroku. The data is stored in a Postgres database.

Overall, a fairly standard Rails setup that I came up with based on what I’d learned in Launch School, and by following the great Rails Guides.

The web app offers a bare bones interface that assumes you experiment and come up with your tokens elsewhere. Once you know what colors, spacing values, or whatever other sorts of tokens you want, you add them to Tokenhost 3000.

A generic API

Everything you can do with your Tokenhost space using the web app can be done using the Tokenhost API.

Rails has a very straightforward way of structuring HTTP responses depending on the type of request. Every route can have a JSON alternative. Rails provides an easy way of returning either HTML or JSON based on that.

For example, you can send a GET HTTP request to retrieve the tokens for a particular list. Or send a PATCH request to update a token.

This creates potential for interoperability. You could build a tool that uses the Zeplin API to sync the style guide stored in Zeplin with Tokenhost. Or you could build a tool that processes Tokenhost tokens; imagine you define one color, and then run a process that creates a bunch of new tokens that derive their value from the original.

Real time delivery with a WebSocket

Real time delivery of tokens as they change is ensured with Rails Action Cable channels. Action Cable uses the WebSocket protocol under the hood. Clients can subscribe to those sockets, and receive updates.

The Tokenhost Widget included in the demo uses just that. When you load a page that includes the widget, it first uses the generic API to fetch the latest tokens. After that, any changes to tokens on the Tokenhost side are broadcast to the widget using Action Cable channels.

Action Cable uses Redis as a transient data store to ensure the content is synced across all the instances of the web app.

Any update to the space is reflected in the Widget immediately.

Using the Widget is simple. You include a provided script tag in your HTML markup, and it takes care of rendering the widget and connecting to your Tokenhost space. The script tag includes a few custom data attributes that are used to configure the script.

Offline preview with the Tokenhost Widget

The Tokenhost Widget uses the latest available version of the tokens — even if the network is down.

This is because once the tokens are fetched with the API or received via a WebSocket, they’re stored in the browser’s local storage.

This lets you keep using the widget if Tokenhost goes down, or if you’re offline. And it limits the amount of requests made to Tokenhost.

Only one request is made when the page loads, and then all new data is delivered through a WebSocket. All new data is synced to local storage, and used to update the styles on the page.

Static delivery with CSS

Tokenhost exposes every list of tokens as a separate CSS file you can link to in your HTML. Any time you change one of your tokens, the CSS file is regenerated.

This is a good option if you don’t want to execute any extra JavaScript, or if you don’t want to let people change the active token list in the Widget.

The CSS generation is triggered on any change to any token related to a particular list.

First, a string representation of the CSS is created. Then, a StringIO object is instantiated using the string. Lastly, the StringIO object is attached to the List Rails model.

The process of attaching the file to the List model is handled by Rails Active Storage, which then takes care of uploading the file to an Amazon S3 bucket.

6. Challenges

Demonstrating value immediately

I really wanted to let people play around with tokens and see them instantly applied to a page.

Writing software to let people do that was one thing. Letting them immediately feel the benefits was another thing entirely.

I’d need to “close the loop”. You’d have to be able to visit the demo page without any particular knowledge or available time and still be able to experience the whole thing.

So I decided I would not just have an API delivering design tokens, but also built a sample client that consumed the API and applied the tokens in a sample page.

In retrospect, this significantly increased the surface area of the problem I was dealing with. It meant I now had less time to dedicate to structuring or testing the API itself.

The trade-off of focusing on delivering this broader experience was that I had less time to polish everything to the extent that I wanted to in those six weeks.

As much as my inner critic hates to admit it, I think it was a good decision. And being forced into weighing these trade-offs in the first place was a good example of how real life product decisions have to be made sometimes.


Every time someone clicks the Try Demo button, a new Tokenhost space is created just for them to experiment with.

And every time a new space is created, 3 sample token lists with a total of 50 tokens get created so they have something to experiment with immediately.

That’s a non-insignificant amount of work to do for every new space. Worse, I would initially execute an Active Record Callback to generate the CSS file every time a token record got created, updated, or destroyed.

This caused an unnecessary load on the server, so I had to find a workaround. I ended up generating the CSS conditionally, so now the CSS is generated once, after all the sample tokens are created for each list.

That made things faster. Probably fast enough for the purposes of showcasing this demo.

Another way to improve response times would be to create just the space record, return a response, and enqueue the sample list and token creation as background jobs. Once the background job got done, we could update the space page and display the sample content.

7. Future

  • make token types more meaningful (for example, store the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha components separately to allow for precise future manipulation)
  • use category names as prefixes for token names (so all colors get a “color-” prefix)
  • more direct token value affordances (color picker, sliders, etc.)
  • tokens derivatives (tokens getting their value from another token)
  • make it easier to figure out which elements on the page use which tokens so you know what to edit

8. References

Design Tokens

Great talk on YouTube on how design tokens were used at Salesforce.

The official Design Tokens W3C Community Group repository for the design tokens specification. A number of people are trying to agree on a common standard for design tokens to increase interoperability between tools and processes.

Design APIs

Good introductory article on the concept of delivering aspects of a design using APIs.

Zeplin launched their API in early 2020. You can grab anything you store in Zeplin and use it however you like.

Custom CSS properties AKA CSS variables

Another great YouTube talk on the applications of CSS variables.

A nice, gentle intro to CSS variables from CSS Tricks.


A Rails app for managing design tokens and streaming updates to subscribing clients



