This README document describes the script A generic workflow description is provided in workflow_description.docx
- input_table
CSV table with header and at least the columns "gene" and "locus_tag".
- gbk_dir
Folder with assemblies in genbank format (.gbk or .gbff).
Example folder structure:
- og_matrix
Tab-delimited matrix with OGs in rows, and assemblies in columns. Each cell lists which locus_tag from which assemblies
belong to which OG. If multiple locus tags in an assembly belong to the same OG, they must be whitespace-separated in the cell.
assembly1 assembly2
OG1 locus11 locus12 locus22
OG2 locus21
OG3 locus31
- Clone the git repo (or simply download / unpackage the repo archive) and cd to to project folder
- Recreate the environment (with conda or mamba), then activate the environment:
- mamba env create -f envs/biopandas.yaml
- conda activate biopandas
- conda env create -f envs/biopandas.yaml
- conda activate biopandas
Requires the input files specified in Input (input table csv, folder of gbk's, OG matrix); file can be place in a 'data' folder such that a test command is:
./scripts/ -i data/input_table.csv -g data/gbks -m data/matrix_annotated.txt -o results/test01
-The output files are named AFTER the gene names. This means that if multiple gene names in the input table correspond to the same OG, these output files will be identical, but have different file names. -If there are duplicate genenames, they are renamed with the suffix _DUP_1, _DUP_2, etc.