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AngularJS ES6 TDD

Sample AngularJS app for learning TDD

Table of contents


We assume you've already installed NodeJS on your machine, if not, please follow the installation documentation from the official websites.


Download the latest release of this project or simply cloning this repository with:

git clone


Once done with the previous step, open your terminal to your angularjs-es6-tdd folder, then install all the dependencies with:

npm install
yarn # Or using Yarn for a faster installation

Run the Application

There is already a preconfigured web server for this application. The simplest way to start this server is:

npm start

Now open your browse to http://localhost:4200 to see your application running.

This task will also watch for any file change to your project's files and update the browser with the new changes using Webpack and WebpackDevServer.

Run the tests

npm test

This project uses Karma as a test runner for running all the unit tests present in this project's .spec files.

There is also a watch task available to let you keep running Karma in the background while developing new code:

npm run test:watch


MIT © Andrea Sonny