Stateless RestFul Api using HTTP Protocol holding the logic of the TicTacToe Game. The final version will be a JAX-RX (Jakarta) & Jersey implementation with JUnit and RestAssured (BDD approach, Hamcrest, JsonSchema) testing, connected to a MySQL Database (DAO Model), with custom (mapped) exceptions, thread-safe (JDBC Transaction control and MySQL-Locks) , Logger (slf4j - Logback) and Swagger documentation.
- TicTacToe Logic
- Junit Tests for TicTacToe
- End Points
- MySQL DataBase
- DAOs
- Controllers (link to DDBB)
- Custom Mapped Exceptions
- RestAssured Testing
- Logger
- Swagger
Java, JAX-RX, Jersey, Maven, Junit, RestAssured, Swagger, Hamcrest, JsonSchema, MySQL
MIT License. See "LICENSE" for further information.