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A c# compiler implemented in C++, for the course project for CS335@IITK

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CS335 Project: C# Compiler


  • Source Language: C#
  • Target Langauge: MIPS
  • Implementation Language: C++
  • Authors: Amrit Singhal, Siddharth Agarwal, Shobhit Rastogi



Instructions for building an executable:

$> cd project
$> make

This will create the compiler executable in project/bin subdirectory.

Running the executable

$> bin/compiler <file>

where is the path to the C# code that you want to run the compiler on.

Sample test codes have been included under the project/test subdirectory. They can be run as follows:

$> bin/compiler test/test1.cs

This will output the MIPS code for the following program on the standard output.


The code has been implemented in C++11. Please ensure you have g++ available.

Language Specifications:

Supported Features:

  • Data Types: int, bool, char, strings, arrays
  • Operators
    • int
      • Unary -> !,-,~,+
      • Relational -> <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
      • Arithmetic -> +,-,/,%
      • Bitwise -> <<,>>,&,|,^
      • Logical ops -> &&,||
      • Assignment -> =,+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,^=,&=,|= (only work for identifiers,not member/element access)
    • bool
      • Unary -> !
      • Logical -> &&,||
      • Assignment -> =
    • Objects
      • Assignment -> = (make reference to object, assign something to object data member)
    • String
      • Initialization and Assignment -> = (assign string constants to string variables)
    • Arrays
      • Array element access is supported, for bothreading and writing, and all further operators of the array type can be used subsequently.
    • Char
      • Mathematical operations are allowed on char types.
  • Loops -> for, while, do-while
  • Selection Statements -> if-else, switch, conditional (c = expression ? a : b)
  • Jump Statements -> return, continue, break
  • Arrays -> 1-D arrays
  • Type Checking
    • Language is strictly typed and type checking is done for validating every expression and to check that the operator is operating on valid types.
    • Implicit type conversion is supported to be able to store char values in int types.
    • Type checking has also been implemented at other places as required
  • Functions
    • Allowed return types -> int, bool, void, char
    • Allowed argument types -> int, bool, objects, char (no arrays or strings)
    • Function width is decided optimally in case of nested scopes.
  • Classes
    • Structural Checl : Exactly one class must have a function Main(), this class does not have variables as class members(only methods allowed although method may have any variables/arrays/objects). Execution begins from Main()
    • scope modifiers- {public,private} for data members of class only(not functions)
    • Data members can only be of simple or array of simple types.
  • Scoping
    • Lexical scoping has been implemented which allows us to support nested scopes. The width for a block with nested blocks is determined optimally.
    • In our scoping, we allow redeclaration of variables sharing name with class data members. Still, a redeclaration within a member function is clearly reporeted, as well.
  • Return statements supported within blocks as well
  • Read and Write
    • Our write statement can take expression with different type in the same statement(int,char,bool and string)
    • Read statement takes one variable in which you want to read(int,char,bool,string)
  • Multiple Declarations and Sequential Assignments
    • Multiple Declarations -> int a,b,c=3;
    • Sequential Assignments -> a=b=c=3;
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
    • Objects are allocated dynamically from heap


A c# compiler implemented in C++, for the course project for CS335@IITK







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