Thank you for taking part in this coding challenge. For this challenge you will be given an unfinished Flutter application, that you have to improve.
To be able to participate in the challenge you need to make sure to have all the pre-requisites in place:
- Flutter 3.3.8
- Dart SDK version: 2.19.1 (stable)
- Xcode min Version Version 13.4.1
- Firebase access
- Figma access
- A hunger to build something epic.
The skeleton of the project has been set up. Please fork this respository and name it [yourname]_bdbchallenge.
The challenge is straightforward to make a TikTok clone. We would like to test how you approach this task.
To populate the frontend, a backend needs to be setup. Therefore the following steps have to be executed:
- Make sure you have been added to our firebase project. If not, please send us your credentials.
- Connect firebase with your project.
- Set up a model regarding the collection in the database
If you have not already done so, fork this respository to your github account. Then, clone the respository and install the dependencies. The design can be found on figma. The video is added to the repository. The video has been added for your reference, to demonstrate what kind of scrolling functionality we are hoping for.
The retrieval of data is simple, we would only like you to play the video and have the hotel name displayed.
Please anaylze the design carefully. Make sure the video widget is set up in a way that showcase the best possible seamless experience over the current solutions.
Do not commit on this respository. Make sure you have the right design, architecture and the functionality working. Think about the structure of the widgets and the type of widgets used.
Good luck & have fun!! 🚀