A 2D space game RiceRocks that is inspired by the classic arcade game Asteroids (1979). Asteroids is a relatively simple game by today's standards, but was still immensely popular during its time. In the game, the player controls a spaceship via four buttons: two buttons that rotate the spaceship clockwise or counterclockwise (independent of its current velocity), a thrust button that accelerates the ship in its forward direction and a fire button that shoots missiles. Large asteroids spawn randomly on the screen with random velocities. The player's goal is to destroy these asteroids before they strike the player's ship.
It runs on an online compiler available at http://www.codeskulptor.org
Open this link to read more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroids_%28video_game%29
Up arrow key to throttle.
Left arrow key to turn left.
Right arrow key to turn right.
space bar key to fire.
Requires working internet connection. Requires Google Chrome (Works in other Browsers too but for best results use google chrome)
Copy and paste code in codeskulptor and click on play button to play.
Open this link http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user27_ValOKdE1fZ1JZUu.py