- 1. Table of content
- 2. Badges
- 3. What is this Plugin?
- 4. Support / Feedback
- 5. Actions
- 6. How to use it?
- 7. How to contribute?
This Stream Deck Plugin allows you to control the YouTube Music Desktop App
You found a bug? You have a feature request? I would love to hear about it here or click on the "Issues" tab here on the GitHub repositorie!
You can also join my discord here
- Play / Pause Track
- Next Track
- Previous Track
- Like Track
- Dislike Track
- Volume Mute
- Volume Down
- Volume Up
- Track Info
- Shows a scrolling text for album, title and author
- Shows the thumbnail of the track
- Shuffle
- Repeat
- Install the YouTube Music Desktop App.
- Install the Plugin from Releases or from the official Stream Deck Store.
- Add Actions to Stream Deck.
- Activate the Companion Server / Remote control from YTMD App
- Settings > Integration > "Enable Companion Server" or "Remote control" (Should be the first entry with an open icon)
- Click on the open Icon or go to http://localhost:9863/ (Default)
- Optional: Activate password protection. else go to 7.
- Click on Play/Pause button.
- Add all settings. (Host, Port, Password)
- Click save
Just fork the repository and create PR's, but we use standard-version to optimal release the plugin.
standard-version is following the conventionalcommits specification which follows the angular commit guidelines
Here is a neat little cheatsheet for Conventional Commits