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Source for my blog

Written using Hugo

Internal help - Flight Rules


See an example in "Open discussion: on code reviews"

[code reviews](/{{< category "code-review" >}})

Direct link to another post

See an example in "Your first language":



the "uploads" folder is at

{{< upload "file.pdf" >}}

The file source/blog/uploads/commit-with-two-persons.png is uploaded to:

{{< upload "commit-with-two-persons.png" >}}

See an example at 2016-02-14-two-persons-involved-in-a-git-commit.markdown

Inlining Images

![State diagram of the operations]({{< upload "state-diagram-loop-map-split-map-equivalence.png" >}})

See an example at 2016-02-14-two-persons-involved-in-a-git-commit.markdown


See an example in "The purple wire"

bugfix into master if required[^1].


[^1]: If the found defect is not business critical, I try not to merge
to master the purple wire, just leave master pointing to the defect and
the bugfix branch with the solution. This bugfix branch will be deleted
when a more stable fix is found.


Warning: these comments are available in the generated html page

(See more on this topic [here][tdd-is-not-a-good-name])

Get all the categories from a Self-Study aggregation

This unit of work has been moved to the link-collection

Create a new Self-study guide

Tip: the command line will expand the contents of the command when pressing :

cp $(./<TAB>

will become

cp content/blog/2017-08-01-self-study.markdown

Then, use the {} syntax to copy the file:

cp content/blog/2017-{08,09}-01-self-study.markdown

Generate a list of read books

The books are now stored in a trello board.

Update them

  • Go to the trello board, export to JSON.
  • Use the trello-board-converter project to turn the JSON into a markdown (md) format.
  • Copy-paste the list below the marker
  • Archive the cards in the 'done' column
  • Commit the file. Usually a "[books]" tag in the commit message
  • [Undecided] Delete the cards in that column

Extraneous files

Adding file (such as a mindmap .mm file) to the content folder, makes it available at the blog folder, but does not crash the CI


The blog is easily published using the CI hook.

Using the CI environment

> cd blog_source
> cd contents/blog 
> vim $ARTICLE_2
> f cc "..."
> f push

Local preview of changes

> cd blog_source
> make run-server-in-docker
# Navigate to localhost:8090 for checking results
> f cc "..."
> f push