Running Rust code on nCipher HSMs (using CodeSafe).
We tend to write CodeSafe code in C (e.g. see Subzero, Square's HSM-based Bitcoin Cold Storage wallet). This repo is a prototype showing how the same result could be achieved using Rust.
The main appeal for using Rust is memory safety/better guarantees compared to C. Rust also enables leveraging a rich ecosystem of packages and libraries.
Compile the Rust code with:
install Docker
git clone
get CodeSafe-linux64-dev-12.50.2.iso from your vendor and drop it in the codesafe/ folder
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/demo:/demo ncipher-rust /demo/
Run on the device with the nCipher HSM:
scp -r demo <host>:~/
ssh <host>
$ cd ./demo
$ ./