The testmunk sample app is a collection of iOS components including login screen, intro screens, navigation menu and tableview, plus a few others. It is a perfect start to try out your first automated testscripts or replicate issues and bugs. It supports iOS5, 6 and 7 using several available open source frameworks (see footer). Thanks!
Pick any specific email address or username that you’d like and use the following password: testmunk
Several calabash/cucumber testcases demonstrate the possibilities of automated app testing. Testcases are covering:
- Entering text into input fields
- Touching Buttons
- Swiping
- Scrolling
- Several Assertions
The testmunk teststep library can help you with extending.
The xcodeproj in this repo doesn't include the calabash testing framework yet. The easiest option is to download the free testmunk mac app, which assists you for the installation, writing testcases and testing against the simulator. You can also install it manually by following the manual installation.
###The TMSample app uses the following frameworks. Thanks a lot!
JVFloatLabeledTextField @jverdi
EAIntroView @ealeksandrov
FlatUIKit @jflinter
SlideOutNavigation @andreamazz
AGPhotoBrowser @andreagiavatto