Python IMDB client using the IMDB json web service made available for their iOS app.
To install imdbpie, simply:
pip install imdbpie
from imdbpie import Imdb
imdb = Imdb()
imdb = Imdb(anonymize=True) # to proxy requests
>>> imdb.search_for_title("The Dark Knight")
[{'title': "The Dark Knight", 'year': "2008", 'imdb_id': "tt0468569"},{'title' : "Batman Unmasked", ...}]
>>> imdb.search_for_person("Christian Bale")
[{'imdb_id': 'nm0000288', 'name': 'Christian Bale'},{'imdb_id': 'nm7635250', ...}]
>>> title = imdb.get_title_by_id("tt0468569")
>>> title.title
"The Dark Knight"
>>> title.rating
>>> title.certification
>>> person = imdb.get_person_by_id("nm0000151")
"Morgan Freeman"
>>> person.imdb_id
>>> person.photo_url
>>> imdb.get_episodes('tt0096697')
[<Episode: u'Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire' - u'tt0348034'>,
<Episode: u'Bart the Genius' - u'tt0756593'>,
<Episode: u"Homer's Odyssey" - u'tt0701124'>,...]
>>> episode.release_date
>>> episode.title
'Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire'
>>> episode.series_name
'The Simpsons'
>>> episode.type
>>> episode.year
>>> episode.season
>>> episode.episode
>>> episode.imdb_id
>>> title = imdb.get_title_by_id("tt1210166")
>>> title.trailer_image_urls
>>> imdb.top_250()
[{'title': 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'year': '1994', 'type': 'feature', 'rating': 9.3,...}, ...]
>>> imdb.popular_shows()
'image': {
'height': 2048,
'url': '',
'width': 1382
'principals': [{
'name': 'Emilia Clarke',
'nconst': 'nm3592338'
'tconst': 'tt0944947',
'title': 'Game of Thrones',
'type': 'tv_series',
'year': '2011'
>>> imdb.popular_movies()
'prev': 1,
'object': {
'tconst': 'tt0944947',
'title': 'Game of Thrones',
'image': {
'url': '',
'width': 1382,
'height': 2048
'year': '2011',
'principals': [{
'nconst': 'nm3592338',
'name': 'Emilia Clarke'
'type': 'tv_series'
'rank': 1
>>> imdb.title_exists('tt1327801')
Returns a list of image objects with the following attributes (caption, url, width, height)
>>> imdb.get_person_images("nm0000033")
[<Image: u'Alfred Hitchcock'>, <Image: u'"Psycho" Dir. Alfred Hitchcock 1960 Paramount'>,...]
Returns a list of image objects with the following attributes (caption, url, width, height)
>>> imdb.get_title_images("tt0468569")
[<Image: u'Morgan Freeman and Frank Darabont in The Shawshank Redemption'>,...]
Returns a list of Review objects with the following attributes (username, text, date, rating, summary, status, user_location, user_score, user_score_count)
>>> imdb.get_title_reviews("tt0468569", max_results=15)
[<Review: u'Why do I want to wri'>, <Review: u'Can Hollywood, usua'>,...]
title = imdb.get_title_by_id("tt1210166")
for person in title.credits:
# check if they are a writer
if person.token == 'writers':
print( + ' is a writer')
print( + ' is not a writer')
1. Python 2 or 3
2. See requirements.txt
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
py.test src/tests