A CTF tool for PNG file inspection
For installation of the tool run
python setup.py install
Usage: inspect_png.py [-h] [-t TYPE [TYPE ...]] [-i INDEX] [-s SIZE] [--text]
[--weird] [--crc] [--length] [--raw] [-o FILE]
[-p PNGOUT] [-] [--brute-dim] [--recalc] [-q | -v]
positional arguments:
pngfile PNG input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet
-v, --verbose
-t TYPE [TYPE ...], --type TYPE [TYPE ...]
Filter by type
-i INDEX, --index INDEX
Filter by index
-s SIZE, --size SIZE Filter by size
--text Include only text chunks
--weird Include non-specified chunks
Chunk info display:
--crc Show chunk crc
--length Show chunk length
--raw Only show chunk bytes
Output options:
-o FILE, --output-file FILE
Output file for chunk data
-p PNGOUT, --output-png PNGOUT
Output PNG file
- Output binary data to console
--brute-dim Bruteforces dimensions based on known CRC
--recalc Recalculates CRCs of PNG Chunks