Because the rest of them suck
This plugin was created to solve some of the missing features wanted in the popular SFTP package. The goal of this project is simple; create a fast, easy to use, ftp plugin thats open source. This project also aims to be a drop-in replacement for SFTP one day. It still has a way to go but progress is being made. This is also my first python script and sublime plug-in so any tips appreciated :D
- To install this plugin download the latest version of sublime here:
- In Sublime 3, navigate through the menu to Sublime > Preferences > Browse Packages... this will your Sublime Packages folder
- Download the most recent version of this plugin via Git or the "Download Zip" button and extract (or clone) it to your Packages folder
- Rename the folder to "FTP" all caps, so the configs can be read correctly
- Restart Sublime and you're ready to go!
I will eventually add this package to package control when its been a little more battle-tested
- Connecting to FTP (SFTP and FTPS will come later, maybe even other protocols like webdav, etc. too)
- Creating, editing, deleting and connecting to servers
- Downloading, creating, renaming, deleting and chmod-ing files/folders
- Overwrite protection with hash checking (that works!)
- Display diff of remote and local file before overwriting
- Key bindings
- Settings (most of them, more to come)
- Menu items
- Status while connecting/performing operations
- Hide files or folders that match regex
- Re-downloading/loading of current file
- Asynchronous functions (most of them)
- Diffing remote and currently open tab (from quick panel)
- Duplicate files
- Output panel information
- Prompt for password (if user doesnt want to store it in config file)
- on first use plugin breaks because the folder that its searching for sites does not exists "Users/Servers"
- cant delete empty directory (due to sub folders/files)
- create ability to cancel current operation
- optionally show folder/file info/permissions on a row
- Handle symlink files and folders correctly
- Disconnect from server when not in use using "quit" method on wrapper
- Prevent uploading of a file that is already uploading (quick double save fix)
- Verify config file settings
- Disallow certain operations on root folder, such as rename, delete, etc.
- On rename of file also change local versions name
- Implement folder syncing for easier file management (optionally ignoring regexs in config)
Notes: This code needs some MAJOR refactoring as this was once just a proof-of-concept so you might see partially rebuilt classes from time to time
MIT © Alex Galletti