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Welcome to the development repository for Séance.


Table of Contents


Séance may be an unconventional name for a WordPress theme, but I assure you, there is a depth of significance and purpose behind it that likely surpasses your initial assumptions.

In a nutshell, Séance is a term borrowed from French “séance” (/ˈseɪ.ɑːns/; French: [seɑ̃s]), that literally translates to an “attempt to communicate with spirits.”

Indeed, the name Séance holds an intensely personal significance for me. As unsettling as it may sound, I am battling Lou Gehrig’s disease. Therefore, you can understand how profoundly Séance embodies my whole essence.

To be completely honest, Séance was not a premeditated project. It had not occurred to me to engage with another theme beyond the now obsolete Olympus, a theme had a promising and bright future ahead, which also motivated me to transition from Astra and dedicate myself entirely to it.

Olympus was a theme I used to co-lead with my former close friend Nicolas Lecocq - yes, the same individual who was instrumental in creating the now outdated OceanWP, a company I was also involved in - alongside with Zeus for Elementor. Given my limited time, I could not commit to any additional projects. Apart from AEon, my professional pursuits also encompass my company, Atmostfear Entertainment.

In addition to this, I am an active contributor to WordPress, serve as a Beta Tester for several companies, and thanks to my unique narrative style, I write technical documentation for others as well. Of course, this is without even mentioning my own company, which has been my motivator for over a decade, constantly pushing me to my limits and significantly fulfilling my life post-diagnosis.

The inception of Séance was driven by the need to build my personal site. I intended this platform for publishing personal content related to my life—or death, depending on your viewpoint. As I undertook routine tasks like setting up DNS, creating the instance for WordPress 5.9.0, and accessing my freshly updated dashboard, I found myself captivated by the prospect of experimenting with the new Twenty Twenty-Two. I could not help thinking how it would be to experiment with it and see how far the new Full Site Editing would take theme development further.

I have a reputation for being experimental and taking concepts to an entirely new level beyond their original intent. Thus, it was second nature to delve into the default theme and familiarize myself with its intended functionality within just a few hours.

Needless to say, my inner developer was swiftly energized. I decided to open Visual Studio Code, commence coding the theme, extend its functionality, alter certain elements, and began constructing my personal site.

Conversely, I must admit that I also have a deep-seated desire to share my knowledge with others. For several years, I have been an active participant in numerous groups, offering assistance to users in need by sharing my expertise, troubleshooting their problems, and providing them with solutions so they can continue on their journey with confidence.

Looking forward to continuing this journey...


Séance was designed to provide a uniform, single-color foundation enhanced with hints of two-tone and three-tone color schemes.

This design choice caters to individuals with color vision deficiency, covering both darker and lighter color palettes, all while maintaining a gothic aesthetic that appeals to passionate and aspiring writers due to its clarity and minimalist design.

Impressively lightweight yet bold, Séance incorporates color palettes focused on accessibility and comes fully equipped with numerous meticulously designed Gutenberg Block Patterns.

These elements subtly impart a minimalist visual strength to the content, similar to quickly leafing through a book with delicate fingertips, leisurely absorbing the written words.

Fully customizable, Séance supports the Full Site Editing features launched with WordPress 5.9 and, in its unique way, offers a fresh writing and visual experience.

Getting Started with Séance

To initiate development with the Séance theme:

  1. Begin by creating a WordPress instance.
  2. Proceed to download the Séance theme.
  3. Next, unzip the downloaded file and upload the repository into your /wp-content/themes/ directory.

If the process of installing WordPress locally seems too complex, I recommend experimenting with tools such as wp-env, Local or DevKinsta.


Certain features of Séance or specific pull requests may necessitate the Gutenberg plugin trunk. Such requirements will be suitably described or tagged.

Additionally, if you wish to run tests locally, the following will be necessary:

To install the development dependencies specific to testing, execute the command: npm i && composer install

Upon completing the setup, you can use the following test commands:

  • npm run lint:css lints the CSS and automatically fixes any possible errors.
  • composer run analyze [filename.php] statically analyzes the PHP code for bugs.
  • composer run lint checks the PHP code for syntax errors.
  • composer run standards:check examines the PHP code for standards errors according to WordPress Coding Standards.
  • composer run standards:fix attempts to automatically correct these errors.

Working with Block Themes

When you activate Séance, it functions much like any other conventional WordPress theme. You can effortlessly create posts and pages as you have always done. But being a block theme, Séance goes beyond that and supports potent new features such as the site editor, patterns, global styles, and much more.

In essence, a block theme is a WordPress theme whose templates are entirely made up of blocks. This means that apart from editing post and page content, you can also use the block editor to edit every other part of your site, including headers, footers, and all types of templates. It is an all-encompassing editor for your website's complete design and layout.

Site Editor

The WordPress site editor symbolises a new era in crafting magnificent websites with WordPress. Through the power of blocks, patterns, and an extensive range of drag-and-drop design instruments, you can build pages within WordPress itself, eliminating the need for an additional page builder.

To fine-tune your site via the site editor, you simply need to navigate to Appearance → Editor. This portal allows you to develop and tweak templates, generate menus, customise your website's styles, select your colour palette, adjust typography, modify block styles, and a whole lot more. This platform acts as your digital canvas where you will design, construct, and perfect your site prior to its eventual deployment.


Patterns are meticulously crafted page components that offer a swift way to design a page section or establish an entire page layout. Rather than crafting a page from the ground up, WordPress users can now rely on these convenient patterns to rapidly design their entire website within the WordPress Site Editor.

You can easily utilise Séance's patterns by accessing them through the block inserter when working on posts, pages, or within the site editor. These patterns serve as versatile design elements that greatly simplify the site building process.

Creating page designs with patterns

The creation of pages that are showcased on the Séance theme is a straightforward process. You just need to insert Séance's full-page patterns onto any page that you wish to design.

To better accommodate the full-page patterns, apply the 'No Page Title' template through the editor sidebar. This template efficiently eliminates the default page title from your page. However, it is crucial to include an H1 tag somewhere in your design to adhere to SEO best practices. This ensures that search engines can effectively identify the main topic of your page and improve its ranking.

Global Styles

Global styles is a powerful feature that allows you to customize the appearance of your entire website via the Site Editor. It provides a centralized location where you can adjust typography, fonts, colors for buttons and links, layout defaults, and many other styling elements.

Behind the scenes, the Global styles feature is empowered by a file called theme.json located at the root of the theme's directory. This file serves as a configuration file, allowing the theme to define site-wide and block-specific styles. These definitions become the default styles that are applied across your site and can be customized by the user through the Global styles interface.

By utilizing the theme.json file, you can ensure a consistent look and feel across your site, but also allow for customization where needed. The end result is a site that not only looks professionally designed but is also easy for you or your clients to customize to fit specific needs or branding.

Template Parts

Template parts in WordPress represent sections of your site that are reused across multiple pages or templates. They function like reusable blocks but at the template level. This makes them perfect for elements like your site's header, footer, or sidebar, which typically remain consistent across all or most pages of your site.

For example, if you want the same header to appear on every page of your website, you can create a header template part. Any changes you make to this template part will automatically update across every page where the template part is used, allowing you to make site-wide changes more efficiently.

This approach not only streamlines the design process but also helps ensure consistency across your website. Rather than manually updating the same element on every individual page, you can update it once, and the changes will propagate everywhere the template part is used.

In the Full Site Editing (FSE) paradigm, you can create and edit these template parts directly from the WordPress site editor, providing a unified and streamlined site-building experience.

Export Your Site

Here is a step-by-step guide to how you can export your custom theme:

  1. Open the WordPress site editor by navigating to Appearance → Editor.
  2. Once in the site editor, look for the Options menu. It is typically represented by three vertical dots (also known as a "kebab" menu) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the Options menu, and under the Tools heading, you will see an Export option.
  4. Click on Export. WordPress will then gather all the changes and customizations you have made using the site editor. This includes custom blocks, global styles, patterns, templates, and template parts.
  5. WordPress will compile these customizations into a .zip file, which is your new custom theme.
  6. The .zip file will automatically download to your computer.

This feature essentially allows you to use the site editor as a theme builder. Once you have downloaded the .zip file, you can upload and install it on any other WordPress site, just like you would with a traditional theme. It is a convenient way to transfer your custom designs from a local development site to a live production site, or to share your designs with others.

Deploying WordPress Locally

In case you'd rather install WordPress from scratch, here are the steps:

You will need a basic understanding of how to use the command line interface on your computer. This will allow you to establish the local development environment, start and stop it as needed, and run tests.

You will need Node and npm installed on your computer. Node is a JavaScript runtime used for developer tooling, and npm is the package manager included with Node. If you have a package manager installed for your operating system, the setup can be as simple as:

  • For macOS: brew install node
  • For Windows: choco install nodejs
  • For Ubuntu: apt install nodejs npm

If you are not using a package manager, refer to the Node.js download page download page for installers and binaries.

Docker, which powers the local development environment, also needs to be installed and running on your computer. Docker is virtualization software and can be installed like any other regular application.

Development Environment Commands

Ensure Docker is running before using these commands.

How to start the development environment for the first time

Start by cloning the current repository using git clone

Next, in your terminal, navigate to the repository folder using cd wordpress-develop

Run the subsequent commands:

npm install
npm run build:dev
npm run env:start
npm run env:install

Your WordPress site will accessible at http://localhost:8889. The .env file, located at the root of the project directory, allows you to view or modify configurations.

To watch for changes

Should you be modifying the WordPress core files, it is recommended to initiate the file watcher to build or replicate the files as needed:

npm run dev

To terminate the file watcher, press ctrl+c.

To run a WP-CLI command

npm run env:cli <command>

WP-CLI offers a plethora of handy commands that you can employ to work on your WordPress site.

In instances where the documentation advises running wp, instead run npm run env:cli. For example:

npm run env:cli help

How to run the tests

The following commands are used to run the PHP and end-to-end test suites, respectively:

npm run test:php
npm run test:e2e

How to restart the development environment

Should you make alterations to the configuration in the docker-compose.yml or .env files, it may be necessary to restart the environment.

The environment can be restarted using the following command:

npm run env:restart

How to stop the development environment

To conserve your computer's power and resources, you can halt the environment when it is not in use:

npm run env:stop

To start the development environment again

Reactivating the environment involves just a single command:

npm run env:start


Here are the default credentials for the environment:

  • Database: wordpress_develop
  • Username: root
  • Password: password

To login to the site, proceed to: http://localhost:8889/wp-admin

  • Username: admin
  • Password: password

To create a new password (recommended):

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Users menu on the left side.
  3. Click on the Edit link beneath the admin user. Scroll down and click 'Generate password'. You may either utilize this password (recommended) or change it, then click 'Update User'. If you opt for the generated password, ensure you save it somewhere safe (like a password manager).


Before you start contributing, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct for contributors and the Contributing guidelines. These will provide valuable insights about how to submit bug reports, create patches, test modifications, write documentation, and generally get involved in any capacity.

If, after reading these, you are still eager to contribute code, the list of open issues is an excellent starting point to search for tasks. However, it is always preferable to link your pull requests to an existing issue.

But remember, contributing is not just for developers. I wholeheartedly welcome anyone willing to contribute in any way – be it through code, testing, triage, discussion, design work for building patterns and templates, making Séance more accessible, and so on. Feel free to browse through the open issues and join in wherever you feel most comfortable.


  • Séance is designed with a minimalist approach, striving to load as few assets as possible. It leans heavily on the Block Editor and Global Styles for its visual aesthetics.
  • I strongly discourage constructing any custom PHP or JavaScript-based solutions for features that Séance or the Block Editor might already offer. Séance is unique in its minimalist, lightweight design, and it is specifically tailored for individuals with color vision deficiencies. Let us work together to keep its code as uncomplicated as we can.
  • In line with this minimalist ethos, Séance does not require a complex build process.
  • As a contributor to Séance, your efforts will be recognized. I plan to update the contributed file periodically with the names of all contributors. Still, if you notice someone being inadvertently overlooked, please do not hesitate to open a pull request or issue to correct it.


Should you desire to explore custom coding, I would recommend installing and using the Child Theme for advanced customization. To extend it further, consider utilizing Code Snippets. This allows you to experiment while preserving the integrity of the main Séance theme.

Repository Description
Séance Child Theme Official Séance Child Theme
Séance Code Snippets Official Séance Code Snippets


To delve deeper into the development of block-based themes, the following resources could prove valuable:


Regrettably, there are currently no specific demo sites for the Séance theme. However, you can explore my personal website, which utilizes Séance in full swing, to get a sense of what the theme is capable of. I appreciate your understanding and am sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.


Indeed, Séance offers a publicly accessible roadmap, allowing interested parties to track the theme's ongoing development and progress. This ensures transparency and provides a fascinating insight into the evolution of the project.


Séance is licensed under the GPL-2.0 license or later.


The thumbnail on this file:

"The Fox Sisters Farewell" by Alex de Borba, CCO


Should you be inspired to suggest enhancements to this repository, please do not hesitate to open an issues or submit pull requests.

I welcome and greatly appreciate your involvement in refining and expanding this project.

About the Creator

Séance was created by Alex de Borba, a WordPress Developer.