I'm Alex, an Artificial Intelligence Research Engineer at Google Paris.
- Deep Learning (Natural Language Processing and Reinforcement Learning).
- Ethical aspects of Artificial Intelligence.
- Quantum Machine Learning.
- Climate Technologies.
I am an active Kaggle user (competitions expert). Some competitions I have taken part of are:
- 💉 OpenVaccine: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Degradation Prediction (top 3% out of +1600 teams).
- 🐦 Cornell Birdcall Identification (top 6% out of +1300 teams).
- 📈 Two Sigma: Using News to Predict Stock Movements (top 3% out of +2900 teams).
Some personal projects that I have developed are:
♟️ mctchess: a Python implementation of Monte-Carlo Tree Search methods applied to the game of Chess [under development].
🦅 spacy-nlp-falcon: Falcon API service with Spacy features.
🎲 Q-rangen: a Quantum random number generator.
I have also contributed to some open source projects, such as HuggingFace datasets 🤗 .