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Netly: Cross-Platform, Multi-Protocol C# Socket Library – Fast, Easy, and Versatile.⚡


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Active development occurs on the 'dev' branch. For the stable release, refer to the 'main' branch.

Netly version 4 will be released soon, help validating the new way of interacting with netly. See more

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💙 Thank you for your incredible support!

powered by ALEC1O
Version 4 Development Status
🚀 Fully Implemented Byter 3TCP ClientTCP ServerUDP ClientUDP ServerHTTP ClientHTTP ServerHTTP WebSocketRUDP ClientRUDP Server
🔧 Work in Progress Documentation v4HTTP Body (Enctype Detector and Parser)
🔜 Pending Features -


Get basic information about this project called Netly

Netly is a robust C# socket library designed to streamline network communication. It offers comprehensive support for multiple protocols, including HTTP, TCP, SSL/TLS, UDP, Reliable UDP (RUDP), and WebSocket. This versatility makes Netly an excellent choice for developing a wide range of applications, from multiplayer games and chat systems to real-time data exchanges.


KeZero sponsor notice
JetBrains sponsor notice

Why Contribute to Netly?
  • Transform Network Communication:
    Join us in revolutionizing how software communicates. Your contributions will help build a library that sets new standards for efficiency and reliability.
  • Advance Your Career:
    Engage with innovative projects, solve complex problems, and collaborate with experts. Your involvement will sharpen your skills and expand your professional network.
  • Share Your Ideas:
    Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, your ideas are valuable. Contribute thoughts and suggestions to shape the future of Netly and drive innovation.


Official publisher

Nuget Unity Asset Store
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Notable changes

v1.x.x v2.x.x v3.x.x v4.x.x
Legacy Legacy Stable Development
TCP Support TCP with Message Framing support TCP with TLS/SSL support HTTP client and server support
UDP Support TCP and UDP performance increase UDP with connection (timeout response) Reliable UDP (RUDP) client and server support
New Message Framing protocol and performance increase WebSocket client and server support
Upgrade to Byter 2.0 Upgrade to Byter 3.0
Docsify as documentation framework Documentation improvement by Docusaurus and DocFxMarkdownGen
Syntax and internal improvement
XML comments improvement


Technical descriptions about integrations

List of tested platforms
  • .NET (SDK)
  • Mono (SDK)
  • Unity (Engine)
  • Operating system (OS)
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • Android
    • iOS
    • macOS

      Notice: This library might run on all devices. If it doesn't work on any device, it should be considered a bug and reported.

byter logo Byter
Build dependencies
Build step-by-step
# 1. clone project
$ git clone "" netly 

# 2. build project
$ dotnet build "netly/" -c Release -o "netly/bin/"

# Netly.dll require Byter.dll because is Netly dependency
# Netly.dll and Byter.dll have on build folder <netly-path>/bin/


Below are some missing features that are planned to be added in later versions.

  • N/A


Code highlights

📄 Client
using Netly;

TCP.Client client = new TCP.Client(framing: true);
client.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

client.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connetion closed");

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection erro on open");

client.On.Data((bytes) =>
    printf("connection receive a raw data");

client.On.Event((name, data) =>
    printf("connection receive a event");

client.On.Modify((socket) =>
    printf("called before try open connection.");

client.On.Encryption((certificate, chain, errors) =>
    // Only if client.IsEncrypted is enabled
    printf("validate ssl/tls certificate");
    // return true if certificate is valid
    return true;
// open connection if closed
client.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection if opened

// send raw data if connected
client.To.Data(new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Data("hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8);

// send event if connected
client.To.Event("name", new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Event("name", "hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8); 

// enable encryption (must call before client.To.Open)
📄 Server
using Netly;

TCP.Server server = new TCP.Server(framing: true);
server.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

server.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

server.On.Accept((client) =>
    client.On.Modify((socket) =>
        printf("modify client socket e.g Enable NoDelay");

    client.On.Open(() =>
        printf("client connected");
    client.On.Data((bytes) =>
        printf("client receive a raw data");
    client.On.Event((name, bytes) =>
        printf("client receive a event");
    client.On.Close(() =>
        printf("client disconnected");

server.On.Modify((socket) =>
    printf("called before try open connection.");
// open connection
server.To.Open(new Host("", 1111)); 

// close connection

// enable encryption support (must called before server.To.Open)
server.To.Encryption(enable: true, @mypfx, @mypfxpassword, SslProtocols.Tls12);

// broadcast raw data for all connected client
server.To.DataBroadcast("text buffer");
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected client
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", "text buffer");
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
📄 Client
using Netly;

UDP.Client client = new UDP.Client();
client.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

client.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

client.On.Data((bytes) =>
    printf("connection received a raw data");

client.On.Event((name, eventBytes) =>
    printf("connection received a event");

client.On.Modify((socket) =>
   printf("called before try open connection.");
// open connection if closed
client.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection if opened

// send raw data if connected
client.To.Data(new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Data("hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8);

// send event if connected
client.To.Event("name", new byte[2] { 128, 255 });
client.To.Event("name", "hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8); 
📄 Server
using Netly;

UDP.Server server = new UDP.Server();
server.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

server.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

server.On.Accept((client) =>
    client.On.Open(() =>
        printf("client connected");
    client.On.Close(() =>
        // Only if use connection is enabled.
        printf("client disconnected");
    client.On.Data((bytes) =>
        printf("client received a raw data");
    client.On.Event((name, bytes) =>
        printf("client received a event");
// open connection
server.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection

// broadcast raw data for all connected client
server.To.DataBroadcast("text buffer");
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected client
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", "text buffer");
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
📄 Client
using Netly;

HTTP.Client client = new HTTP.Client();

// add http header for request
client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "json");
client.Headers.Add("Token", "ImGui.h");

// add http url queries e.g:
client.Queries.Add("page", "about");
client.Queries.Add("version", "4");

// set request timeout (ms) default 15s (15000ms), 0 or negative value means infinite timeout.
client.Timeout = 6000; // 6s

// is opened: while is requesting
bool isFetching = client.IsOpened;
HttpClient http = null;

// called before try connect to server
// modify the HttpClient object
client.On.Modify((HttpClient instance) =>
    http = instance;

// connection is opened and fetch server.
client.On.Open((response) =>
    // you can use "http" instance on this scope (isn't null)
    if (http.<foo> == <bar>) { ... }

// erro on fetch, it can be timeout or whatever error
// but if you receives error it mean the operation is called or done
client.On.Error((Exception exception) =>

// connection is closed with fetch server.
client.On.Close(() =>
     if (http.<bar> == <foo>) { ... }
// used to fetch a server
client.To.Open("method e.g GET", "url", "body, allow null");

// used for cancel opened request
📄 Server
using Netly;

HTTP.Server server = new HTTP.Server();

// return true if server is serve http context
bool isServe = server.IsOpened;
server.On.Open(() =>
    // http server opened 
server.On.Close(() =>
    // http server closed 

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    // http server open error

server.On.Modify((httpListener) =>
    // HttpListener instance, called before try open connection.    

// Open http server connection
server.To.Open(new Uri(""));

// Close http server connection
// Map path
server.Map.Get("/", async (req, res) => {
    // Handle async: GET

server.Map.Post("/user", (req, res) => {
    // Handle sync: POST

// map using dynamic URL
server.Map.Delete("/post/{userId}/group/{groupId}", async (req, res)) => 
    string userId = req.Param["userId"];
    string groupId = req.Param["groupId"];
    // Handle async: Delete from dynamic URL path 

server.Map.WebSocket("/echo", (req, ws) =>
    // Handle websocket connection from path

You can map: 
 * Get     # get request
 * Post    # post request
 * Delete  # delete request
 * Put     # put request
 * Patch   # patch request
 * Trace   # trace request
 * Options # options request
 * Head    # head request, (only head)
 * All     # all http nethod request
 * WebSocket   # websocket request
    Note: Middlewares is executed in added order

// Global Middleware (*don't have workflow path)
server.Middleware.Add(async (req, res, next) => {
    // verify request timer
    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); // init timer

    next(); // call another middleware.

    watch.Stop(); // stop timer

    res.Header.Add("Request-Timer", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());

// Local middleware (have workflow path)
server.Middleware.Add("/admin", async (req, res, next) => {

    if (MyApp.CheckAdminByHeader(req.Header))
        res.Header.Add("Admin-Token", MyApp.RefreshAdminHeaderToken(req));
        // call next middleware
        // now. all middleware is executed. (because this is two way middleware)
        res.Header.Add("Request-Delay", (DateTime.UtcNow - timer)());
        res.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");
        await res.Send(404, "{ 'error': 'invalid request.' }");
        // skip other middlewares:
        // next();
📄 Client
using Netly;

RUDP.Client client = new RUDP.Client();
client.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

client.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

client.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
    printf("connection received a raw data");

client.On.Event((name, bytes, type) =>
    printf("connection received a event");

client.On.Modify((socket) =>
    printf("called before try open connection.");
// open connection if closed
client.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection if opened

// send raw data if connected
client.To.Data(new byte[2] { 128, 255 }, RUDP.Unreliable);
client.To.Data("hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8, RUDP.Reliable);

// send event if connected
client.To.Event("name", new byte[2] { 128, 255 }, RUDP.Unreliable);
client.To.Event("name", "hello world", NE.Encoding.UTF8, RUDP.Reliable);
📄 Server
using Netly;

RUDP.Server server = new RUDP.Server();
server.On.Open(() =>
    printf("connection opened");

server.On.Close(() =>
    printf("connection closed");

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    printf("connection error on open");

server.On.Accept((client) =>
    client.On.Open(() =>
        printf("client connected");
    client.On.Close(() =>
        // Only if use connection is enabled.
        printf("client disconnected");
    client.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
        if (type == RUDP.Reliable) { ... }
        else if (type == RUDP.Unreliable) { ... }
        else {  ... } /* type == RUDP.Sequenced */

        printf("client received a raw data");
    client.On.Event((name, type) =>
        if (type == RUDP.Reliable) { ... }
        else if (type == RUDP.Unreliable) { ... }
        else {  ... } /* type == RUDP.Sequenced */
        printf("client received a event");
// open connection
server.To.Open(new Host("", 8080));

// close connection

// broadcast raw data for all connected client
server.To.DataBroadcast("text buffer", RUDP.Unreliable);
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, RUDP.Reliable);
server.To.DataBroadcast(new byte[] { 3, 2, 1 }, RUDP.Sequenced);

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected client
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", "text buffer", RUDP.Unreliable);
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, RUDP.Reliable);
server.To.EventBroadcast("event name", new byte[] { 3, 2, 1 }, RUDP.Sequenced);
📄 Client
using Netly;

HTTP.WebSocket client = new HTTP.WebSocket();
client.On.Open(() =>
    // websocket connection opened

client.On.Close(() =>
    // websocket connection closed

client.On.Error((exception) =>
    // error on open websocket connectin

client.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
    if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
    else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
    else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
    // raw data received from server

client.On.Event((name, bytes, type) =>
    if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
    else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
    else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
    // event received from server

client.On.Modify((wsSocket) =>
    // modify websocket socket
// open websocket client connection
client.To.Open(new Uri("ws://"));

// close websocket client connection

// send raw data for server
//      text message
client.To.Data("my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
client.To.Data(NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary);

// send event (netly event) for server
//      text message
client.To.Event("event name", "my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
client.To.Data("event name", NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary); 
📄 Server
using Netly;
using Netly.Interfaces;

HTTP.Server server = new HTTP.Server();

IHTTP.WebSocket[] Clients = server.WebSocketClients;
server.Map.WebSocket("/chat/{token}", async (req, ws) =>
    // Accept websocket from dynamic path
    string token = req.Params["token"];
    // validate websocket connection from params
    if (Foo.Bar(token) == false)

server.Map.Websocket("/echo", (req, ws) =>
    // Handle websocket on /echo path
    ws.On.Modify((wsSocket) =>
        // modify server-side websocket ocket
    ws.On.Open(() =>
        // server-side websocket connection opened
    ws.On.Close(() =>
        // server-side websocket connection closed
    ws.On.Data((bytes, type) =>
        if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
        else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
        else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
        // server-side websocket received raw data
    ws.On.Event((name, bytes, type) =>
        if (type == HTTP.Binary) { ... }
        else if (type == HTTP.Text) { ... }
        else { /* NOTE: it's imposible */ }
        // server-side websocket received event
server.On.Open(() =>
    // http server opened 
server.On.Close(() =>
    // http server closed 

server.On.Error((exception) =>
    // http server open error

server.On.Modify((httpListener) =>
    // HttpListener instance, called before try open connection.    

// Open http server connection
server.To.Open(new Uri(""));

// Close http server connection
// open websocket client connection
server.To.Open(new Uri("ws://"));

// close websocket client connection

// broadcast raw data for all connected websocket socket
//      text message
server.To.WebsocketDataBroadcast("my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
server.To.WebsocketDataBroadcast(NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary);

// broadcast event (netly event) for all connected websocket socket
//      text message
server.To.WebsocketEventBroadcast("event name", "my message", HTTP.Text);
//      binnary message
server.To.WebsocketEventBroadcast("event name", NE.GetBytes("my buffer"), HTTP.Binary); 
For more information and details see Byter's official information

Byter documentation: alec1o/Byter

📄 Primitive
using Byter;
  • Serialize (have +20 types of data supported, e.g. enum, bool, array, list, class, struct,... see official docs

    Primitive primitive = new();
    // add element
    primitive.Add.ULong(1024);                 // e.g. Id
    primitive.Add.DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow);   // e.g. Sent Time
    primitive.Add.Struct(new Student() {...}); // e.g Student
    primitive.Add.Class(new Employee() {...}); // e.g Employee
    // get buffer
    byte[] buffer = primitive.GetBytes();
  • Deserialize

    // WARNING: Need primitive buffer to deserialize
    Primitive primitive = new(...buffer);
    ulong id = primitive.Get.ULong();
    DateTime sentTime = primitive.Get.DateTime();
    Student student = primitive.Get.Struct<Student>();
    Employee employee = primitive.Get.Class<Employee>();
        * NOTE: Primitive don't make exception when diserialize error,
        * don't need try/catch block
    if (primitive.IsValid is false)
        // discart this. +1/all failed on deserialize
    // deserialized sucessful
  • *Dynamic Read Technical

    Primitive primitive = new(...buffer);
    var topic = primitive.Get.Enum<Topic>();
    if(!primitive.IsValid) return; // discart this, topic not found.
        case Topic.Student:
            // read student info e.g.
            var student = primitive.Get.Struct<Student>();
        case Topic.Employee:
            // read employee info e.g.
            var employee = primitive.Get.Class<Employee>();
            // discart this, topic not found. 


Primitive can serialize/deserialize complex data, e.g. (T[], List, Class, Struct, Enum).
But when you want to deserialize your (Class, Structure, List<Class/Struct>, Class/Struct[]), It must have:

  • (generic and public constructor: is a public constructor with no arguments, e.g. which allows:
    Human human = new Human();
  • And the class/struct property must have public access and { get; set; } or not private for example. (In byter programming, ONLY PROPERTIES THAT CAN BE READ AND WRITTEN WILL BE SERIALIZED AND DESERIALIZED)
    // valid
    public string Name;
    public string Name { get; set; }
    internal string Name; // !!! if visible from Byter
    internal string Name { get; set; }; // !!! if visible from Byter
    // invalid
    private string Name;
    private string Name { get; set; }
    internal string Name; // !!! if unvisible from Byter
    internal string Name { get; set; }; // !!! if unvisible from Byter

  • Sample of complex data
    public class Human
        public BigInteger IdNumber { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
        public GenderType Gender { get; set; } // enum
        public byte[] Picture { get; set; }
    public class Employee
        public Human Human { get; set; }
        public string Position { get; set; }
        public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
        public int YearsOfService { get; set; }
    public struct Student 
        public string Major { get; set; }
        public DateTime EnrollmentDate { get; set; }
        public List<Book> Books { get; set; }   
    public class Book
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Author { get; set; }
        public string ISBN { get; set; }
        public int PublicationYear { get; set; }
        public string Publisher { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }
📄 Extension
using Byter;
  • Global Default Encoding (source code spec)

    // update global defaut encoding. Default is UTF8
    StringExtension.Default = Encoding.Unicode; // Unicode is UTF16
  • Convert string to byte[]

    // using global encoding (*UTF8)
    byte[] username  = "@alec1o".GetBytes(); 
    // using UNICODE (*UTF16) encoding
    byte[] message = "Hello 👋 World 🌎".GetBytes(Encoding.Unicode); 
    // using UTF32 encoding
    string secreatWord = "I'm not human, I'm  a concept.";
    byte[] secreat = secreatWord.GetBytes(Encoding.UTF32);
  • Convert byte[] to string

    // using global encoding (*UTF8)
    string username  = new byte[] { ... }.GetString(); 
    // using UNICODE (*UTF16) encoding
    string message = new byte[] { ... }.GetString(Encoding.Unicode); 
    // using UTF32 encoding
    byte[] secreat = new byte[] { ... };
    string secreatWord = secreat.GetString(Encoding.UTF32);
  • Capitalize string

    string name = "alECio furanZE".ToCapitalize();
    # Alecio Furanze
    string title = "i'M noT humAn";
    title = title.ToCapitalize();
    # I'm Not Human
  • UpperCase string

    string name = "alECio furanZE".ToUpperCase();
    string title = "i'M noT humAn";
    title = title.ToUpperCase();
  • LowerCase string

    string name = "ALEciO FUraNZE".ToLowerCase();
    # alecio furanze
    string title = "i'M Not huMAN";
    title = title.ToLowerCase();
    # i'm not human


Integration and interaction example codes

📄 Console
using System;
using Netly;

public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        UDP.Client client = new UDP.Client();
        client.On.Open(() =>
        client.On.Close(() =>
        client.On.Error((exception) =>
                client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
                Console.WriteLine("Message: ");
                string message = Console.ReadLine();
                client.To.Data(message ?? "No message.", NE.Encoding.UTF8);
Flax Engine
📄 Script
using System;
using FlaxEngine;
using Netly;

public class Example : Script
    public string message;
    internal UDP.Client client;
    public override void Awake()
        client = new UDP.Client();        
        client.On.Open(() =>
        client.On.Close(() =>
        client.On.Error((exception) =>
    public override void Start()
        client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
    public override void Update()
             client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                client.To.Data(message ?? "No message.", NE.Encoding.UTF8);
Unity Engine
📄 MonoBehaviour
using System;
using FlaxEngine;
using Netly;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    public string message;
    internal UDP.Client client;
    private void Awake()
        client = new UDP.Client();        
        client.On.Open(() =>
        client.On.Close(() =>
        client.On.Error((exception) =>
    private void Start()
        client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
    private void Update()
             client.To.Open(new Host("", 1111));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                client.To.Data(message ?? "No message.", NE.Encoding.UTF8);
WARNING: Initialize event handlers once, not in loops. Set up handlers with `..On.` methods in initialization methods like `Awake()` or `Start()`. Avoid repeatedly setting these up in update loops to maintain performance.

Handle protocol actions wisely. Use `..To.` methods, such as `..To.Open()`, `..To.Data()`, and `..To.Close()`, with careful management. Ensure you only open a connection when it's not already open and send data only when the connection is confirmed as active. Avoid calling these methods in tight loops.

// OK 100% Recommended 
private void Start()
    var client = ...;

    client.On.Open(() => ...); // e.g generic handler
    client.On.Open(() => ...); // e.g only to send "Hi"
    client.On.Event((name, bytes, ?) => ...); // e.g generic event handler
    client.On.Event((name, bytes, ?) => ...); // e.g only to handle A event
    client.On.Event((name, bytes, ?) => ...); // e.g only to handle B event

public void Update()
    client.To.Open(...);                 // [OK? - May Not In Loop?]
    client.To.Data(...);                 // [OK? - May Not In Loop?]
    client.To.Event(...);                // [OK? - May Not In Loop?]
    client.To.Close(...);                // [OK? - May Not In Loop?]   
    ws.On.Open(() => ...);               // [BAD - Never In Loop]
    ws.On.Close(() => ... );             // [BAD - Never In Loop]
    ws.On.Data((bytes) => ... );         // [BAD - Never In Loop]
    ws.On.Error((exception) => ... );    // [BAD - Never In Loop]
    ws.On.Event((name, bytes) =>  ... ); // [BAD - Never In Loop]